A new feature allows servants to be assigned missions: Servant Tasks. They can go on an expedition out of cities to collect items obtained from monsters or collected. Some could only be obtained through harvesting so far.
How to unlock the tasks of servant?
The following quest, Embarrassed Adventurer, level 17, must have been completed in order to access it:
- Servant Knight (Limsa Lominsa) - L'Entrepont (9, 11)
- Servant Knight (Gridania) - New Gridania (11, 12)
- Servant knight (Ul'dah) - Ul'dah - suburb of Nald (9, 8)
Servant class
The servants can bring back items according to their classes. This can be chosen from the following:
- Disciples of war / magic: gladiator, pugilist, marauder, poleman, archer, elementalist, occultist, arcanist, surineur
- Disciples of the earth: miner, botanist, fisherman
A servant can only have a class already used by his master.
Warning : your servant cannot climb his class higher than your level (example: if you are level 30 with your Arcanist, your servant stopped at level 29) so be careful of your choice when assigning the class.
A servant can change class, but then he loses progress in the class he had until then, unlike playable characters. The class he leaves is reset to level 1.
Servant's equipment
The servant can equip himself with objects adapted to his class. They influence its results. This is because the average item level of Disciples of War / Magic and the collection of Earth Disciples affect the number of items brought back during a task. Discernment makes it easier to collect high quality items.
The servant's equipment menu option allows you to change what they wear.
A piece of equipment that has never been used will go into the bound state if a servant carries it during a given task; it will become linked at the end of the task. However, the player can then recover it and equip it as well.
- Servant duties do not affect the condition of an object.
- Servant tasks do not allow symbiosis to be accumulated on an equipped item.
Types of tasks
There are 3 categories of tasks.
Field study
These tasks consist of bringing back the items indicated at the start of the mission.
- Disciples of War / Magic : Raiding work
- Minors : Mining work
- Botanists : Work of botanist
- Fishermen : Fishing work
Regardless of the discipline of war / magic, the result and the time spent are the same.
These tasks consist of going on reconnaissance in an area in order to discover ancient objects and coins (Allagan bronze or silver coins, etc.). These missions are longer and bring more experience to the servant.
- Disciples of War / Magic : Exploration in the plain
- Minors : Mountain exploration
- Botanists : Exploration in the forest
- Fishermen : Shore exploration
It is not possible to tell the servant which items to look for in particular, but a high level servant can find items exclusive to exploration tasks such as pets, materials ...
Improvised task
This task is available from level 10. It consists of letting the servant go on an adventure at will. He will always bring back an item, but it's impossible to know which one until he returns. The returned item can be of great value. Note that there is no object exclusive to the improvised task (all have other modes of obtaining).
Depending on the item level of what is brought back, the experience points gained vary a lot, which also plays into luck.
Entrust a task to his servant
A menu option allows you to start a task. To do this, one or more task tokens must be paid; these are obtained in exchange for Great Company Seals, or as a reward for mandates or tribal quests.
- Spent tokens are not refunded when a task in progress is canceled.
- It is possible to call his servant via a bell to manage his inventory and sales even when he is performing a task.
- The time remaining before the end of a task can be viewed in the Calendar submenu. Clicking on Servant Tasks at the bottom of the window allows you to see the details for each servant.
End of a task
At the end of the allotted time, the servant returns with one or more items. The menu then indicates [Completed] for this task and allows you to view the result in detail.
The calendar also provides information on the progress of the task.
The maximum level for a servant is 50. The number of tasks offered varies as the level increases.
Some information related to servant duties is stored locally on your gaming computer / PlayStation®3 / PlayStation®4. It can happen that by changing platforms, this information is different, but calling once the servant allows to rectify this anomaly.
Which task to choose to find certain objects
Here are some returns from servants' tasks:
Nv50 Exploration XIII
- Minor (Prerequisite: Gathering 383): HQ Gold Sand, HQ Nosceen Rock Salt, HQ Gold Ore, Nosceen HQ rock salt, Light steel plate.
- Botanist (Prerequisite: collection 383): HQ chenille cocoon, HQ dzemael tomato, HQ trillium.
- Sinner (Prerequisite: collection 308): Giant Catfish HQ, Mahi-Mahi HQ.
- Combat class (Prerequisite: ilvl 70) : Coeurl meat HQ, Hippogriff skin HQ, Taffeta cloth, Mascot: Gentil flagelleur.
Lv50 Improvised Task
- Minor : Silver Rings, Copper Rings, Gamma Growth Formula, Furniture.
- Botanist : Ibex leather, Sphene, Copper rings (NQ / HQ), Sphene HQ.
- Sinner : Yarzon HQ Harpoon, HQ Steel Mortar, Apprentice File.
- Combat class : almost exclusively the entire range of furniture, as well as materials.
Recruit additional servants
For each optional service to which you subscribe, you will have the possibility of recruiting an additional servant who can benefit from all the characters associated with the service account to which the optional service is linked. The servants obtained in this way work in the same way as the two other servants which you automatically benefit from with your subscription.
It is possible to add up to two additional servants via the Mog station. Before using this service, please read this article which details the conditions of use of the optional additional servant service.
Price of the additional servant service:
€ 1,40 every 30 days per additional servant.
Do not hesitate to share your findings with us with your servant.