You have seen in one of the previous articles what you had to do to crimp a materia but also know how to get one. You have arrived at the relic quest and have paid dearly for your 2 materia to crimp it. here are some Tricks to avoid having to pay a high price at the auction house.
Let's go back to the basics first. To obtain a materia you must destroy equipment with which you are 100% in harmony. There are three solutions for this:
- carry out harvesting actions (fishing, botanist, mining),
- make objects,
- kill monsters / Perform dungeons.
These three solutions each have their weakness / disadvantage. For decrease the time of symbiosis, it is good to have the version of the equipment in High-Quality as well as set with a material. Therefore, the last solution gives about an average time of 45min for a complete symbiosis (without company bonuses or objects increasing the symbiosis). Also remember to take out your chocobo if you do this technique.
But the main question is: what to destroy to get the material you want?
There are four equipment families in Final Fantasy: ARR:
- Harvest
- craft
- Physical
- Magic
For example, if you want a Dexterity Materia, you will need to destroy a piece of equipment that has the Dexterity stat on it.
As said before, if you want to increase the speed of symbiosis there are some tricks like:
- The Company Buff: Perfect Union
- Symbiosis-increasing items: Survivor's Rings
Here are two examples which I use to cover the majority of the materia necessary for disciples of war and magic:
- Disciple of War
- Disciple of Magic
Good luck with your symbiosis!