This Wednesday, September 4, from 00:00 to 10:00 GMT (i.e. from 02:XNUMX to XNUMX:XNUMX spanish time), maintenance will take place on all servers (all worlds will be under maintenance).
To cope with the success of their game, Square Enix will add worlds (we are not told how many) and, following the optimization of the mission tool, an addition of countermeasures to allow more connections. important by world will emerge.
With this SE warns us that at the end of this maintenance an update will be launched, probably no content additions but some minor bug fixes which shouldn't take long to download.
The list of corrections will be available later.
Naoki Yoshida spoke about this subject: extension and improvement of servers, offer of 7 free days for all.
Post de Yoshi
Update on connection issues
I know many of you are still affected by the login and character creation restrictions, so I'd like to update you on the progress of the steps we are going to take to improve the situation.Current state of serversSo that as many players as possible can connect to existing servers or create characters there, our teams are currently monitoring the density of zones in each World 24 hours a day and activating or deactivating connection restrictions very precisely so that all Worlds are operating at full capacity. We still have connection peaks that exceed 24 users. These overload some of our instance servers and also cause periods of inactivity.
Maintenance scheduled for Wednesday, September 4 (Japanese time)
The addition of the new Worlds as well as the changes to the mission tool will be completed by tomorrow. We will then enter the last phase of internal testing for these features. If everything works as expected, then we will perform maintenance on all Worlds on Wednesday (Japanese time). Once we add the new Worlds and redistribute the Mission Tool server load to other less populated Worlds, we believe the connection issues experienced by a large number of players should be resolved.
When Worlds are available again, after the maintenance is complete, we expect that many players will try to connect to the game. To prevent connection issues from reoccurring, we will be very careful when restarting each World. . Note that there may still be a bit of congestion at this point.
Development teams are currently working hard to correct these issues and provide players with a stable environment in which to experience all that Eorzea has to offer.
Free subscription extension
To thank our loyal fans who were unable to log into the game or create a character during Early Access and in the days following the game's launch, the development team is considering offering a 7-day free subscription. to the players. This also includes non-Legacy version 1.0 players. The subscription extension will be effective once the maintenance of Wednesday's servers has been completed. You can find more information about the subscription extension in another post, as soon as everything has been confirmed.
We thank our fans once again for the unwavering support they have shown us over the past few weeks. Interest in FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn exceeded all of our expectations and unfortunately we were unable to deliver the level of service we originally anticipated. We still ask for your patience as we work to correct these errors. We are terribly sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Naoki Yoshida, Producer and Director of FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn