The FFXIV: ARR team continues to respond to player suggestions.
It will not be possible to be able to craft items in an inn room, but in your future residence. The team will also implement meubles bringing benefits to artisans. This system will bring back some memories to the players of Final Fantasy XI: in our Mog House (house) we could add objects, furniture conferring various bonuses.
Eorzean pound
After the app was released on Android, others features will see the light of day:
- list of class / job actions,
- harvest records,
- guild mandates and operations,
- hazards and dungeons.
Spams are always tracked, and new filters are regularly put in place to counter the ingenuity of RMTs. The team is aware that it is quite difficult to add a name to the blacklist and work on it.
The team provides the possibility to reset the points awarded to your chocobo. In addition, you can unlock all the skills of the latter, the number of points to be acquired being 55.
- Have a command to display the time spent in game : the team is studying this proposal and intends to add other data of this type.
- Display bug free company chests on Lodestone: the team will correct this bug soon.
- Apart from the Miqo'tes, some haircuts are simplified according to the Head carried equipment. The display should be changed for 2.1 adopting the Miqo'tes model.
- The average item level will be displayed in the character window, the required item level in the mission tool.