Among the most frequent questions, obtaining the right to dye your equipment was often asked. You just need to complete a simple quest to be able to dye the equipment that allows it.
Secrets of dyeing
- Required level : 15
- City, Country: Thanalan Occidental, Vespers Bay
Before leaving for Vespers Bay, I advise you to buy a bottle of orange juice, you will need it. This item is sold by NPC Cooks.
When you arrive at your destination, contact the NPC Surprise. The latter will lecture you: damn it being an adventurer doesn't mean you have to be frumpy. Where was your head when you outfitted these second-hand clothes, what the hell?
He'll teach you how to dye your gear in exchange for orange juice. It is true that Thanalan is a region where thirst comes quickly.
Now you can dye your gear and as a bonus, Surprise offers you tinctures:
- 3 jars of floral rose dye
- 3 jars of ivory dye
- 3 jars of ice blue dye
To do this, simply right-click on the equipment to be dyed or directly on the desired dye. A new window will open. You will see the items available to be dyed. Select it, then the desired color, and voila!
A few small details:
- We will be able to have a preview of the dye (expected for the game's release normally).
- You can remove a dye from equipment using the Turpentine item. It can be bought from the NPCs who sell the dyes.
- Some pieces of equipment cannot be dyed.
Because an adventurer can also be a fashion victim ... But just a little!