Yesterday took place the 33rd Live Letter! The latter mainly runs on major update 3.5! But also on the next FanFest and the brand new goodies!
We start with what everyone is looking forward to, the dates of Update 3.5! Entitled « The Far Edge Of Fate », update 3.5 will be, like the 2.5 at the time, split into 2 parts. The first part will be online in January 2017 while the second will be released in March 2017.
Now let's take a look at the planned content!
We start with the new quest series. On the program, we will have the continuation of the secondary stories, that is to say the Scholasticate, Hildibrand and ... the continuation of the quest for the relic!
During the Live Letter, Yoshida said something that people think may be scary or pleasurable. Looks like, based on the feedback, the Relic step in Update 3.45 was too simple, so “new content” will be available for the next step. He can not wait for it to be discovered and he hopes people will like it, but unfortunately he did not give more details on this subject.
On the side of dungeons we will have, as with every major update, a new normal dungeon as well as a new dungeon in brutal mode. The brutal dungeon will be « Sohm Al » and it looks very ... hot! Regarding the dungeon, it will be called "The wall of Baelsar".
"The wall of Baelsar" is already visible in game for ... Ben forever! It is the huge wall with doors located at the Eastern Forest. The latter serves as the border between Garlemald and Eorzea and it was built to protect the Empire against beast men and, mainly, the primordial. Players will (finally) be able to go there and find out what is hidden there!
The brutal version of Sohm Alm will be "all fire all flame". While the normal version takes players to the top, the brutal version will take them into the bowels of Sohm Alm, right down to its center. Prepare some biafine, it might burn a bit!

Now let's move on to the content of RAID ! The third part of Mhach is coming! Appointed «Dun Scaith», this raid will be more complex, especially the bosses (anguish!). The latter has already been fleetingly presented during the Fan Fest in Las Vegas. Yoshida explains to us, by way of example, very vaguely the first boss, telling us that the ground will not be very stable and that there will be combat on board an aircraft, that seems promising. He also explains that, throughout the raid, we will have to be careful where we put our feet and there will be many mechanics, including outside of boss fights. We will unfortunately not know more for the moment but during the next live letter, a more in-depth presentation of the raid will take place.

More raid content is coming, this time for 8 players. The last member of the Warrior Triad will wake up and we will have to face it! "Z1T9 restraint unit" normal and extreme version will be available. After Sephirot and Sophia, this last member of the Warrior Triad will be the opportunity to unravel many mysteries on this dark story.

During update 3.55 and 3.55, the disciplines of the hand and the earth will be honored. A whole new type of content dedicated only to the latter is emerging, « Zhloe Aliapoh ». It will ask players to increase their satisfaction level with many NPCs. For this reason, they will propose requests that will have to be carried out. The content will mainly focus on elements of mirage, which will make our characters even more kawaii!
Another good news: exploration missions will undergo a (big) update. Now exploration missions will be separated into two types:
- Hunting exploration missions
- Harvest exploration missions
However, these modifications will be carried out in several stages. First, the Tiara (which is, unfortunately, a bitter failure as it stands) will be outright inaccessible with the implementation of Update 3.5. It will reopen a little later, in the 3.5x update series.
The Diadem map will not change much, however there will be big differences between accessible and inaccessible locations.
In the current version of the Diadem, players could decide how they preferred to participate (tap or collect), which could cause some concern. For example, wanting to participate in the Diadem to hunt monsters, but come across a group of 8 players of which 5 or 6 players only came to harvest, thus blocking the player (or vice versa, i.e. wanting to harvest, but only come across a group wanting to hunt). In the new version of the Diadem, players will have specific objectives, clearly defined and assigned according to the role chosen.
Battles against gigantic bosses, involving all the players on the map to be defeated, will also be there. Other enemies (like "mini-bosses) will require several groups to ally themselves to defeat them. Yoshida will give us more details in the next Live Letters.
For achievement hunters, be aware that current Diadem achievements will still be available after this major overhaul!
Since we are talking about group content, let's stay on topic with an update of the team finder. The mission tool will be assigned new tabs, namely:
- All - Will display all groups in the team search.
- Same World - Will only show groups from your world.
- Private - Will show private groups. (Thank Captain Obvious!)
The recruitment of players from other worlds is subject to certain restrictions:
- The recruited players can be from different worlds, but will be from the same data center.
- This will only be possible for content available in the mission or raid tool.
- The other content (Palace of the Dead, Diadem ...) will not be available, but it is in development.
- Gold Saucer content will not be available.
- The usual settings (small team, synchronization, etc.) will be available.
Of course, players will be able to chat normally in the chat, even during squad formation. The development team is also working on adding a cross-world friend list and, also, a cross-world blacklist. However, the blacklist will come first, the friend list will have to wait a little longer.
Two other new features will also emerge:
- A team search filter
- The possibility of adding a password to join the team

Now let's move on to PvP !
PvP will also have a lot of new features. Let's start with forehead.
From now on, players will be able to register regardless of their great company, thanks to a new option. The development team was very worried about the possible abuse of this feature and that's why this option was not available from the start. However, it seems that the expansion will bring a lot of new features (and content) for PvP and therefore, the development team has decided to release this option now to see how it goes and study our feedback on it. subject.
Of course, it will still be possible to fight under the banner of our Great Company if one wishes, as is currently the case.
Duels are also going to have some small changes. Following (many) player feedback, the “item level sync” feature will be implemented. The synchronized level will be 150, as is the case in "The Feast". However, if you are below this threshold, you will not be synchronized. A new option will be available so that the equipment is synced to the same item level as the person who issued the invitation to single combat. If, for example, you have an item level of 90 and your opponent has an item level of 250, you will be able to select the option and invite him to a duel, so he will find himself synchronized at item level 90. .
Obviously, it will always be possible to perform duels by deactivating these two types of synchronization, as is currently the case. And, last good news for single combat, the reload times of all actions will be reset each time at the start of the fight!
It's fashion's turn "Le Festin". When Season 3 is over, new maps will be added! These will have the same rules as the current Feast mode. With each addition of a new map, there will be a small “preseason” period, so that players can take advantage of this respite to test the new one and send their feedback to the developers.
A small modification will appear. Dialogs will be disabled ! But don't panic, it will still be possible to communicate with your allies. However, so that everyone understands each other and that the language barrier is not an obstacle, new machine translations dedicated exclusively to the “The Feast” game mode will be added. These translations will be added as "PvP Action" and can be added to action bars.

Let's move on with a big modification that has been requested by all players since the launch of V2: the possibility to have our chocobo while looking for a group ! (o / hallelujah /)
As a result, the companion system has undergone a major overhaul! Chocobos will no longer be considered as members of the team, but as familiar, like the Egi of summoners and fairies of scholars. Do not panic however, we will be able to have our Egi / fairy at the same time as our chocobo! Moreover, following this modification, it will now be possible to be able to take out our chocobo, even if we are in a complete complete team. 8 players and 8 chocobos, that's going to make a lot of people! However, due to this change, health bars for chocobos from other players will no longer appear in the party window. If you want to heal them, you will have to look for them among the crowd.

And as we talk about familiars, another great news eagerly awaited by us summoners: the mirage of Egi! The appearance of Ifrit, Titan and Garuda Egi can finally be changed! For that, it will be necessary to complete a quest in order to unlock this brand new feature. Once this is done, we can change the appearance of the summoned Egi very easily, with a simple command. For the appearance to take effect on an Egi that has already been summoned, it will have to be dismissed and summoned again so that the change in appearance is taken into account. Of course, other players will see the mirage! At the exit of the system, there will be only 3 mirages available, namely 3 Carbuncles. However, more mirages of Egi will be available in the following updates!
The appearance chosen for the Age will be saved, even once you have left the game. However, the saving of the mirage Egi is local (like the interface) and therefore, if you change platform, it will have to be re-parameterized.

Now let's move on to our budding friends. The novice network will undergo some modifications and additions. There will be a confirmation request in order to join the network and players will be able to leave the novice network at any time. In addition to this, a new system is integrated: helping players back in the game.
These new features have been specially designed to help players who have stopped playing and come back after a break of more than 45 days. Upon returning to play, players will be able to configure several options:
- Choose the “returning player” status.
- Use the novice network.
Both of these options will allow players to easily signal to others that they are “new” to the content they are making. For example, a person may very well be level 60, but have stopped playing several months ago, so the person in question will not know the dungeons released in 3.4 or even 3.3. Thanks to this system, players will also be able to obtain an experience bonus, which will surely be very practical when the expansion is released!

So much for the “big” novelties. Other small novelties will also emerge, for example:
- The possibility of being able to visualize the colors directly on the equipment screen.
- Adding tables.
The paintings are considered as wall furniture (logic ...) and can be purchased from artists. In addition, the illustrations will be more numerous for those who have completed the exploration log.

We're done with what's new in the next update, but the Live Letter continues!
Yoshi presents us some artwork of outfits:

Then, a short break before the presentation of the next products with a small clip music from the Alexander raid to present the next FFXIV soundtrack which will be available on December 7, 2016!

The music in question is the theme "The Primals" (Alexander Raid) performed by Locus:
After this little musical break, we are back in the Live Letter with the presentation of many new goodies which will be available from FanFest in December 2016 as well as bonus items for those who attend. First of all, Yoshi would like to thank everyone who attended the one in Las Vegas!
We start with the bonus items that we can recover on FFXIV, namely a new mascot and an outfit of your choice.
Now let's move on to all physical goodies that can be purchased.
We start with a T-shirt, which will retail for 2 yen (around 580 euros), available in two colors.

Then comes a rectangular towel. (reminiscent of a scarf) Also available in two colors, it will sell for 1340 yen (around 12 euros).

Le "Event guide" will also be available for purchase. Unfortunately we couldn't see what was inside, but it will be available for 2 yen (around 000 euros).
Un other t-shirt in the colors of the dragon knights will also be on sale for 3 yen (approximately 090 euros).

After the t-shirt, we will also be entitled to two Sweet shirt. Sold at a price of 5 yen (around 150 euros) each, there is a black one, in the colors of the dragon knights, like the previous t-shirt, and a white, in the colors of the PvP mode "The Feast".

For those who want to show off their fan-attitude from head to toe, there will also be for sale ... Boxers FFXIV! Priced at 2 each (around 060 euros), there are 17 different ones. Yoshi was wearing one and wanted to show it off, but having a lady in the assembly, he held back!

We come back to towels with small square napkins, still in FFXIV colors, which will be available for purchase for the small price of 700 yen (around 6 euros).

Do you think that's it? But no ! Do you like the job of "cooking" in FFXIV? In this case, what do you say to eat in plates, still in the colors of FFXIV ?! For the small sum of 820 yen (about 9 euros), it would be a shame to go without.

But how do you get your plates back in your house if you lose your keys? For that, you just have to have them guarded by a key ring FFXIV! Sold at a price of 880 yen (around 7 euros), there are 4 different kinds. Big chocobo, Goobbue, Pampa and the famous meteor.

Many other items are also for sale, such as pine (620, or about 5 euros) ...
... or even a three in one garment which makes both hat, scarf and glove, just that! Sold for 3 yen (around 090 euros), you will be able to scare people by looking like a spriggan.

And to finish in style, what better than to drink a good little tea resting after a crazy evening to die for in loop in the raids than a beautiful cups FFXIV (2 yen, or about 060 euros)?

And if you have the soul of a writer, you can transcribe everything you have lived so that future generations will know your exploits in this magnificent Memorial Notebook in the image of the Fortemps family (Haurchefant, we all love you!) for the small price of 1 yen (around 010 euros).
Many other goodies (including a beautiful pendant) were quickly presented, but for the moment, no price or availability is known, so it will be necessary to be patient.

The presentation of the new goodies is over. We were treated to the (re) presentation of goodies already available, such as the statuette of Odin, the Encyclopaedia Erozea (still no spanish version planned, snif!) Or the 2017 calendar.

Yoshi gives us some loose information before the end of the Live Letter. We learn in particular that the Eorzea Cafe has reached 90 visitors! As a result, a whole new one will open in Osaka. When in Spain ?!
And that's it, it's over for this 33rd Live Letter! The next one will most certainly take place during the next Fanfest which will take place on December 24th and 25th. Even if it falls in the middle of Christmas, we will try to give you a full report of the entire FanFest as soon as possible!
Until then, may the light of Hydaelyn guide your steps, warriors of light!