After Chimera, here is the Hydra guide, 5th step of the quest to obtain the Deathly Hallows that kills weapon. This boss is a little more complex than Chimera, it will require a team to the cleat! The boss is located south of the Thanalan Oriental area, just in front of the entrance to the Halatali dungeon. Since update 2.1 you can access this fight through the Mission Tool. You will need to have previously examined the entry.
The required ilvl for Hydra is 52.
Composition of the group
To fight the Hydra, you will need a full team, i.e. 8 players:
- 2 tanks
- 2 healers
- 4 DPS
Hydra skills
- White breath : Hydra spits out a powerful cone breath in front of her and poses Infirmity to all targets hit. Must absolutely be avoided!
- Infirmity : Reduces healing effectiveness on target by 50%
- Division : Hydra hits in front of her, the damage is evenly distributed on the targets hit. Cannot be avoided.
- Vicious attack : Hydra swings a powerful tail (cone-shaped area effect spell) behind her. Targets hit are knocked back. Must be avoided
- Triumvira : Hydra deals very powerful damage in front of her. The damage is distributed evenly among the targets hit. Cannot be avoided.
- Radiant breath : Hydra blows all around her. Targets within 3 to 6 yards of it are hit and take significant damage.
- Scoop of ice cream : Hydra casts a ball of ice at a target. The ball leaves a large mark of ice on the ground. Anyone crossing this mark experiences Slow-down. Can be avoided.
- Slow-down : The target moves more slowly.
- Flame ball : Hydra casts a fireball at a target. The ball leaves a large mark of fire on the ground. Anyone crossing this mark takes damage over time. Can be avoided.
- Fear personified : Hydra stands in the center of the room and summons an aura of terror. Anyone in front of it (280 ° aoe) suffers Terrorized.
- Terrorized : The target is terrified and loses control of its body for 10 seconds.
- Summon Wyvern : Hydra summons a powerful ally.
Wyvern Skills
- Souffle : The Wyvern spits a great breath of fire in a straight line in front of her. Can be avoided
- Battle rage : The Wyvern strengthens Hydra for one minute by giving him Empowerment.
- Enhancement : Hydra benefits from significant damage reduction. Spell cooldown is reduced. The damage is increased.
Course of the fight
The combat is a level above that of Chimera. It requires learning some mechanics like damage sharing as well as careful placement on the part of your team. Place your two tanks permanently in front of the boss and side by side. The group should be in the room. Avoid placing yourself in the center of the room during phase two so as not to leave a ball of ice or flame in the center.
The first phase is quite simple, Hydra will chain together Radiant Breath, White Breath, Vicious Attack, Division, Iceball, Flameball and Triumvira in a fairly sustained way. Your melee dps will need to avoid Vicious Attack, your healers and ranged dps will need to avoid Iceball and Flameball, and your tanks will need to dodge White Breath and take Division and Triumvira.
Once the Wyvern is summoned, all of your dps should be focused on it. The tanks stay on the boss. The person with the Wyvern aggro should not move so as not to slow down the melee dps. It is imperative to kill the Wyvern within 60 seconds otherwise it will cast Empowerment on Hydra. Your tanks will then take an enormous amount of damage and Hydra will be able to inflict up to 3 Triumviras one after the other, as much to say to you that it is impossible to survive such damage (between 2 and 3k of damage by tanks and by Triumviras).
Phase two starts at 50%, it is similar to phase one. Hydra will "simply" cast Personified Fear every 15% health. Stay in the boss's paws at this time (hence the importance of not leaving scoops of ice or flames in the center of the room).
Keep LB3 for the last 20% of the boss.
Good luck and don't hesitate to tell us how your fight went!