The Chimera is one of the bosses to fight for the acquisition of the relic weapon. In order to make your life easier, we will take you through this fight step by step. Chimère Dhorme is found in the Highlands of Coerthas Central to the northeast of the area (next to the FTAA "Svara" area). Since update 2.1 you can access this fight through the Mission Tool. You will need to have previously examined the entry.
The ilvl required for the Chimera is 52.
This guide now has two! First the first published written by Nutt then that of Zuh.
The Chimera by Nutt
Composition of the group
To fight Chimera Dhorme, you will need a full team, i.e. 8 players:
- A tank
- One or two healers
- 5 or 6 DPS (preferably ranged DPS)
- Voice of the Dragon : a spell that inflicts enormous area damage to all targets far away from the Chimera. Must be discontinued.
- Aries voice : A spell that inflicts enormous damage on targets near the Chimera. Must be discontinued.
- Scorpion stinger : A cone-shaped area spell behind the Chimera's back. Deal damage and knock back the target. Can be avoided.
- Breath of the Dragon : a cone area spell in front of the Chimera. Inflicts damage and places a dowry. Can be avoided.
- Guardian of Aries : a spell targeted at a party member. Deals heavy damage and places an area of ice on the ground. Ice area deals damage and slows targets.
Course of the fight
The Chimera is an ultra basic single phase combat. The only difficulty lies in the fact of interrupting the two "voices". Indeed, the Chimera casts two spells that can kill your raid at once. These are the voice of the dragon and the voice of the ram.
As on Ifrit, I recommend using a Paladin to interrupt the Chimera when casting these two spells. The Scorpion Stinger, the Dragon's Breath and the Aries Guardian are all avoidable, no need to interrupt them. Keep the LB3 for the 3% of the boss because he casts the two "voice" spells more and more often from this level of life.
Good luck, adventurers of Eorzea!
The Chimera by Zuh
We're coming back to you today to bring you a new video guide to the Chimera. This comes to us from the Styx guild, best known on SWTOR for its high-level content videos. Their strategy brings some significant advantages:
- You no longer need to interrupt the Voice of the Dragon as you are permanently placed in melee. As a result, the party is more flexible and a single bard or paladin can deal with the Voice of the Ram.
- Healers can now use AoE healing for the entire party.
- The movement phases make it easier to avoid areas.
Zuh, browsing the world of Eorzea with a fresh eye, prepares other videos of the same kind for the following bosses. What do you already think of this one?