Those who have already had the opportunity to meet a Lalafell have surely already melted in front of their smile so jovial and full of good feelings. What is hiding behind their big eyes?
The Lalafells are originally from the southern islands. Trading extensively with Limsa Lominsa, many settled in the port city. This breed is easily recognizable by their small size and their physique giving them a childish appearance. Their friendly faces will make you meet them and they will welcome you with joy.

Explorer Rassilon Veroandi, of the Dune people
Their name reflects this natural good humor: rhythms, repetitions, rhymes, alliterations, precise number of syllables, brighten up their surname. It is also a reference to their origin, it is said that their ancient language was composed of songs and lyrical poems. This ancient language had only five vowels: a, è, i, o and u (pronounced or).
One does not pass on a last name among the Lalafells: the first names are chosen arbitrarily during the passage to adulthood. Each therefore has a unique name.
Four rules govern the names of Lalafell. Thanks to them, we can know the gender and ethnicity of the person just by knowing his name.
The People of the Plains
This people is mainly composed of farmers who settled in the fertile plains of La Noscea. They can also be found in Limsa Lominsa, living off fishing and the highly developed maritime trade there. Even though they are very active, their reputation makes them somewhat apathetic and casual.
The name of the men
A man will always use his full name and will rarely call another Lalafell by only part of his name. Their structure uses a very precise scheme:
- AB - CB
- A, B et C are usually made up of one to two syllables.
- A et C do not necessarily rhyme.
It's time to play with the nicknames of Games Managers members to give you some examples! Transformation into Lalafell!
- Julian Starseed: Julian Starseed
- Nicou Léna: Nicou Lénou
- Zorido Manarido
- Bath Yorpel
- Alka Zolka
- Waguda Mabaguda
The name of the women
Their name follows a different pattern:- ABB - AB
- A et B are generally composed of a "console + vowel" syllable and vice versa. There may be only one vowel too.
- I take as a basic idea Oyaki, it will give: Oyakiyaki Oyaki
- Onidra: Onidraidra Onidra
- Other examples: Mimomo Mimo, Tokiki Toki, Ulala Ula, Honmeme Honme
The people of the Dunes
Founders of the city-state of Ul'dah, they live in the city and all of Thanalan. They are wise traders, known for talking but also for taking action. It is believed that it is thanks to these character traits that they owe their prosperity. If they are a member of the Ul'dah or Sil'dih royal family, their respective sultanate name will be used as a middle name.
The name of the men
It is always based on a structure and precise rules:
- A et C make a syllable while B is made up of two syllables.
- A et C do not have to rhyme.
- Syllables are mostly composed of a consonant and a vowel or a single vowel.
For a small example, Phobias Orrodia lent himself to the game: let's transform him into Lalafell des Dunes!
- Popobias Ororbias is one of the possible variants. We find the little rhyme effect here. I also took the liberty of having a syllable longer than usual, the rule not being strict.
- Juliaan Starseed: Jujuliaan Sasaliaan. B is indeed composed of two syllables "Li" and "aan"
- Nicou Léna: Ninicouna Lélécouna. Since B in Nicou was only composed of one syllable, I took one of his name.
In some cases, the B syllable has an additional letter. In the name "Nanalai", the i was paired with a vowel from the ancient language of the Lalafells. Today this "i" is silent. Other examples:
- Jajariku Nanariku, Momomena Lolomena (A and C riment)
- Nunulupa Tatalupa, Fafajoni Kukujoni (pas de rime)
The name of the women
Their name is always composed on a structure and precise rules:
- AAB - AB
- A and B are each made up of one syllable, A is always repeated in the first name.
- Usually the syllables are made up of a console and a single vowel or vowel.
Let's go back to our examples used above:
- Onidra: Ononid Onid. If Onidra is descended from the royal family of Ul'dah, "Ul" is added: Ononid Ul Onid.
- Other examples: Jajano Jano, Kokobi Kobi, Yayamo Yamo, Chuchumu Chumu

Rassilon admires the landscape
Try to change your usual pseudonym into Lalafall's name and share your creations!
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