Square Enix has confirmed an issue with the physical version of Heavensward on PS4. Despite activating the extension in the Mog Station, it is not possible to access new content.
If you encounter this problem, refer to the instructions given below.
Perfect The Lodestone sourceWe confirm that there is an issue preventing the physical PlayStation®4 version of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward from accessing expansion content under certain conditions, even when the activation code has been saved and the Mog Station has it. confirmed.
If you think this is affected, please quit the game and follow the steps below to update the FINAL FANTASY XIV Login Program and reinstall in-game content.
■ Steps to reinstall Heavensward content
1. Quit the game if you are currently logged in
2. Start "FINAL FANTASY XIV" from the PS4 home screen
3. Wait while the connection program is automatically updated.
4. Log in to the game with your SQUARE ENIX account
5. Wait while the "FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward" update is downloaded.
6. Verify that you can access the areas of Heavensward, or that you can create an Ao Ra character.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
More information will be communicated as soon as possible on the origin of this problem.
Naoki Yoshida spoke about it this morning apologizing for this issue and detailing it a bit more.
Players who have been affected will receive a small compensation.
Hello everyone !
Here FINAL FANTASY XIV producer and director Naoki Yoshida,
I would like to sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the bug where Heavensward was not accessible under certain circumstances when installing the physical PlayStation®4 version of FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward.
A special launcher update for the PlayStation®4 version has been put in place to remedy this and we can now confirm that the Heavensward installation will run smoothly for those of you who own the expansion. I apologize for the time it took to identify the source of the problem and resolve it.
The system for adding content from disc on the PlayStation 4 is very complex compared to other platforms and we were unable to detect the issue under these particular circumstances. In order to ensure that everyone can play earlier than expected, we adopted a method where the data would be downloaded in advance and then installed via disk. It doesn't matter whether you purchased the physical version of the game or not, the download took place and this is what created the problem.
We have identified the problem and are working with SCE at this time to make further adjustments. As soon as we have made further progress I will send another message.
In order to compensate those affected by this issue, we are planning to send them an in-game item or offer compensation in some way. We will keep you posted as soon as the details are finalized.
Additionally, if you encounter any other concerns related to this, please report them in this topic or contact the Support Center. We will continue to work on all issues.
Once again, I am sorry for the inconvenience caused by this bug and thank you for your continued support of FINAL FANTASY XIV.