A message has just been posted on the official forum detailing the various registration codes and procedures to follow. I exceptionally prefer to deliver the entire message to you because it brings a lot of important information to start your adventure in good conditions:
At the official launch of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, players will need to register their registration code (for the version Windows of the game) or their product code (for the version PlayStation 3) in order to have access to the corresponding platform. Please read the following lines to make sure you register your codes correctly.
When registering an access, you will be able to choose between registering your code on a service account on which you have already played Final Fantasy XIV or registering it on a new service account.
We have received reports from players who mistakenly registered their access to a new service account when they wanted to play with their pre-created character either on the original version of Final Fantasy XIV or on the beta phase of Final Fantasy. XIV: A Realm Reborn and being on an existing service account.
In order to prevent this from happening to you, please read the following.
* If you want to play with a character created either on the original version of Final Fantasy XIV or during the beta phase of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn:
- When registering your access, make sure you are logged in with the same username and password used when you logged in to the game.
- Be careful not to choose the option "Create a new service account"
- If your Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn account has only one service option, please choose that option to continue.
- If your account shows more than one service account for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, please verify each of their access before selecting the service account you wish to register your access to.
* About the access display for each service account - When selecting a service account, the access registered with it will be displayed. To help you, here are the names and descriptions of each access:
[Version Windows®]
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Windows® = This will be displayed if you have already played the original version of Final Fantasy XIV. This will give you the access you need to play Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn.
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Pre-Order Code - Windows® = This will be displayed if a Windows® version pre-order code has been registered to the service account.
Final Fantasy XIV Beta Test - Windows® = This will be displayed if you have participated in the beta test in the past.
[Version PlayStation® 3]
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Pre-order Code - PlayStation® 3 = This will be displayed if a pre-order code for the PlayStation® 3 version has been registered on the service account.
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn beta test - PlayStation® 3 = This will be displayed if you have participated in the beta test of the PlayStation® 3 version.
* If you logged in during Early Access, the names and Worlds of each of your characters will be displayed.
* The Windows® and PlayStation® 3 versions are two very different accesses and you will have to add the access on which you want to play from the same service account. If you want to play both with the same account, it will need to have a code for each.
Note that as a non-Legacy V1 player, I was able to update my game dating from phase 4.