This week, a member of the free company CETRA contacted us. Several members completed this PCM together, a real team effort!
Hello, first of all would you like to introduce yourself to our readers?
Hello everyone and a big thank you to the editors of Games Managers for allowing us to participate in this PCM.
We are the free company CETRA on the Phoenix server of which Omgalir Lox is the master.
We will speak on behalf of our company after all active members have consulted to answer all of the PCM's questions as accurately as possible.
We are mostly gamers who met on FFXIV: ARR and we all have a long history in video games behind us, although we all come from various backgrounds.
Can you introduce your Guild?
The company was founded on 9/05/2014 by Omgalir who took the risk of creating it alone with the help of two other foreign players who were kind enough to help him with the creation and continue their path on their side later. . Following several recruitments Aiden Zero arrived within the group which created the first affinity in the company.
The latter was followed by Angeldc Delirium, White Spirit and Angia Vanish. The first group of Cetra was formed. All officers to date, we can say that we are the alumni of the team despite its recent creation. Other players quickly joined us in the HL like Weazel Buster, Kalyps Apo or Antynua Skap.
We all have our specialties which allows us to each test all the facets of the game to be able to share it quickly with the rest of the company.
To date, we have about twenty members of various classes who join us at their own pace and we are happy to help them evolve in Eorzea, like Alex kid who is our little youngster and who is doing very well in the game or Gandalf the White who left a big company to join us because nobody communicated in this last, or Adeline Luna and Pititboys Sort who take more and more their marks and make a place in our CL
Today we come to Ramuh, the T5 and start the extremes. We advance at our speed without wanting to rush and not lose the pleasure of playing. We do not want to exceed 50-60 players to avoid tension.
We are the happy owners of a small house in Brumée in 6.28.
Communication and mutual aid are essential (be careful with puns) and we have even created an alliance with our neighbors from Brumée, ANIMA, with whom we can go into dungeons or even hunt when one of the teams is short of players.
Where is your recruitment? What are you looking for ?
Lately, recruiting is more difficult because a lot of people have created their CLs and the big teams recruit players who barely arrive in the capitals without showing up so the thing is not easy. We are looking for any type of class, whether in combat or in profession, and all levels but it is true that we lack DPS. Without forgetting that we want to keep a very friendly and good-natured atmosphere in the company.
Share your memories with us, what events have marked you (leaving the guild, error of a member which causes giggles for example or simply something at stake)?
There are so many things that it will be difficult to name them all. Of course, buying the house was a big moment when we all found ourselves with our small purses and our early game economy to make this acquisition. This remains a good memory for all the CLs.
One evening, late, we were several gathered in Brumée and a neighbor had installed a training dummy. All the players in the area ended up attacking the model in their underwear, then they all got together in a lounge doing an underwear fashion show… We won't give more details!
The biggest giggles in the dungeon were in front of Zu at the Syrus Lighthouse, It was our first, we thought to hit his eggs first and there, it was the drama, everyone dead like bruises.
There are so many other stories but the list is too long not to mention we all chat the time or via groups or Skype and there is so much memorable going on.
What is your opinion of the game? What do you prefer ?
The game is very rich, beautiful, and there is something for everyone.
For some of us, who are big fans of Final Fantasy, we take great pleasure in playing, rediscovering this atmosphere that is part of the franchise and that we do not find elsewhere.
A lot of details are very elaborate, whether it is the outfits, the lighting effects, which are visually very beautiful.
Classes really all have their own little something that every player can really find something to suit them, and for someone who enjoys crafting, this can get addicting very quickly.
For what we prefer we will say everything, because we try to explore everything and move forward on our own and above all there is always something to do in this game to move forward.
And what do you dislike and / or miss?
With the many updates, we are not missing much at the moment, perhaps apart from PvP which does not attract many people at the moment but we are still hopeful that this will come.
If there are any complaints that we can make, it would be Odin who is certainly just great but full of bugs like we have never seen. Out of 5 fights against Odin as a full team and present from start to finish without death, there is only 1 player who managed to collect 1 mantis while the reward is 5 per fight.
Other games in sight?
For the moment apart from one of our players who will be testing Destiny and others who will spend some time on Shadow of Mordor and Assassin's Creed Unity, there is not much in sight except FFXV that we will wait a little while longer. But we like ARR so why move?
A word for the end?
A big thank you to the Games Managers team! Hello to all the players we haven't mentioned but who are nevertheless part of the CETRA family.
You can find us on:
- our Facebook page
- our Forum
- Coming soon on Youtube and Twitch, it's under construction.
Do not hesitate to contact us or join us our doors are open to any lost soul. CETRA were wiped out. We are reborn today in EORZEA and until the end we will fight for its protection!
rjprojectsonline (at) Gmail (dot) com