Update 3.3 is just around the corner! For this, the update notes are available. These only cover the most important points, the secondary points will be added later when the update is implemented.
As a reminder :
- [2,0] - only requires the base game At Realm Reborn.
- [3,0] - content requires access rights to the Heavensward extension.
- [2,0] [3.0] Requires the base game and the expansion to have access to all the content.
quests-treasure-hunt-housing-gold-saucer">Quests, Treasure Hunt, Housing, Gold Saucer
- [3.0] New epic quests have been added.
- [2.0] The requirements for starting the following quests have been changed.
- " Prevention is better than cure "
- Avant : be level 6 and have finished the quest for the epic "Shadowhunt"
- after : be level 7 and have finished the quest of the epic "Learn by example"
- "Learn by example"
- Avant : be level 7 and have completed the quest for the epic "Prevention is better than cure"
- after : be level 6 and have finished the quest for the epic "Shadowhunt"
- "In search of lost material"
- Avant : have finished the quest for the epic "Prevention is better than cure"
- After: have completed the epic quests "Prevention is better than cure" and "Learning by example".
- Due to this change, the order of the epic quests has been changed.
- " Prevention is better than cure "
- [2.0] The following items can now be obtained as a reward for the quest "A Gift of Meaning".
- Plate Belt / Long Cotton Scarf / Lightweight Rigid Leather Pouch / Allagan Copper Coin x2
- One item of your choice among the four.
- [3.0] New chronicles of a new era have been added.
- Warrior triad
- Ombre de Mhach
- [3.0] new side stories have been added.
- The Gentleman Detective
- Anima Weapons Saga
- Special rule "fixed class or job"
- The quests of the anima weapons saga are subject to the special rule "fixed class or job". It is only possible to progress there with the job that was used to start them.
- Improved anima weapons
- It is possible to perform certain improvements on anima weapons by speaking to Ulan in Idyllea (6.4, 4.7).
- Special rule "fixed class or job"
- [3.0] The chances of obtaining "Luminous Crystal" items required for the "Crystals of Ardashir" quest have been increased.
- [3.0] A new side quest has been added.
- Back to Crèvecarène
- [3.0] The locations to examine during some Dravanian Sky Scum side quests have been moved.
- [3.0] The compass and map directions have been made more precise for some side quests of Dravanian Sky Scum.
- [3.0] Mogs tribal quests have been added.
- [3.0] Mogs tribal quests have been added.
- [3.0] New items have been added to the Vanu Vanu Tribal Shop.
- [3.0] New items have been added to the Tribal Gnath Shop.
- [2.0] The rewards for some Ixali tribal quests have been changed as follows.
- [2.0] [3.0] Now, when a player has reached the maximum value for their current reputation rank before completing the available main story tribal quest, a message will appear warning them that they cannot. gain more reputation.
- [2.0] Reputation earned by completing a Tribal Daily Quest has been increased for Amalj'aa, Sylphs, Sahuagins, Kobolds, and Ixali.
- [2.0] The duration of the "Conceal" buff has been lengthened in the tribal quests below.
- [2.0] [3.0] Quests introducing or giving access to new systems or game functions are now indicated by a special icon.
- [2.0] [3.0] The glow effect of quest "destinations" has been made more visible.
- [3.0] Aircraft links to the Tri-Cities and Gold Saucer have been added at Ishgard Airfield.
Treasure hunt
- [3.0] The Aquapolis has been added.
- [2.0] [3.0] Chances of obtaining certain items from treasure maps have been increased.
- [3.0] Monsters spawning as part of Dragonskin Treasure Maps no longer drop items after being defeated.
Large Companies
- [2.0] The changes below were made for large companies.
- A "Materials" tab has been added to the Logistics Officer trade menu.
- [2.0] Housing officers offer new items in exchange for company credits.
- [2.0] Logistics officers offer new items in exchange for company credits.
- [2.0] New items can be created through construction projects in the Company Workshop.
- [2.0] A new companion benefit has been added.
- [2.0] From now on, a confirmation message appears when the option "Invite to the company" is selected.
- [2.0] [3.0] New furniture has been added.
- [2.0] It is now possible to garden inside the accommodation using flower pots.
- [2.0] [3.0] Decorative vases have been added.
- [2.0] New seeds have been added.
- [2.0] It is now possible to exchange items with merchants in the residential areas of the three Cities.
- [2.0] The additions and modifications below have been made to residential areas.
- [2.0] [3.0] The following additions have been made to the orchestrion.
Gold Saucer
- [2.0] Mating time for racing chocobos has been reduced to 30 minutes.
- [2.0] [3.0] Additions have been made to Triple Triad.
- New maps have been added.
- New characters can be challenged.
- [2.0] Additions and changes have been made to Pet Shock.
- [2.0] [3.0] New items can be exchanged for PGS.
- [3.0] The following mount can now fly.
- Fenrir
- [3.0] The gobblindé back music has been changed.
- [2.0] The sound effects that sound when a benou is called or dismissed have been changed.
- [2.0] [3.0] New hairstyles have been added.
- [2.0] [3.0] New emotes have been added.
- [2.0] After having discovered all the urban etherites of one of the three Eorzean cities, its aerodrome is automatically added to the list of destinations.
- [3.0] The positioning of the Ethereal Winds from various areas has been adjusted.
- [3.0] A new entry has been added to the Goal Log.
- [2.0] The rewards for Objective Log entries below have been adjusted.
- [3.0] Construction of buildings in Idyllea has progressed.
Combat, JcE, JcJ
- [2.0] [3.0] Adjustments have been made to the actions.
- [2.0] The visual effects of the gladiator's Taunt action have been changed.
- [3.0] The visual effects of the Machinist action Soaring have been changed.
- [3.0] A function to show / hide the effect of the Canon Gauss machinist action has been added.
- [2.0] The name of the Infection add-on effect of Arcanist, Summoner, and Scholar Miasma and Extra Miasma actions has been changed to Crippled.
- [2.0] [3.0] Adjustments have been made to a PvP action.
- [2.0] A PvP action set feature has been added to the PvP profile.
- [2.0] The Deny button in the resurrection confirmation window must now be held down for a short time in order for the decision to be validated.
- [3.0] New instanced dungeons have been added.
- Shor Khai
- Crèvecarène island
- [3.0] New challenges have been added.
- The Last Advancement of Faith
- L'ire de Nidhogg
- [3.0] It is now possible to register alone in the mission tool to participate in the challenge "Restraint unit S1P7 (extreme)".
- [3.0] The effect of the Echo is now assigned in the missions "Restraint Unit S1P7" and "Restraint Unit S1P7 (Extreme)".
- [2.0] When the character falls from the arena during challenges, "The Navel (Normal, Brutal, or Extreme)", the camera will now automatically return to the battle location.
- [2.0] If the "Jet Alicorn" mount has already been obtained, the "Need" and "Greed" options are no longer selectable for the "Jet Alicorn Horn" item.
- [3.0] A new Alliance Raid titled "The Forbidden City of Mhach" has been added.
- [3.0] Adjustments have been made to Void Ark.
- [3.0] A new grouping system called "Raid Tool" has been added.
- [3.0] A minimum average item level is now required to participate in each of the Alexander - Midas (Sadistic) raids.
- [3.0] The restrictions on obtaining rewards from Alexander Midas have been lifted.
- [3.0] The effect of Echo in Alexander - Gordias (Sadistic) raids has been enhanced.
- [3.0] Instance list has been changed for Random Missions below.
- [3.0] The following instance has been added to those of the “Challenges” and “Mentor” Random Missions.
- The Last Advancement of Faith
- [3.0] The following instances have been added to those for the random mission "Mentor".
- Alexander - The Fist of the Son (sadistic)
- Alexander - The Wrist of the Son (sadistic)
- Alexander - The Arm of the Son (sadistic)
- Alexander - The Burden of the Son (sadistic)
- Sohr Khai
- Crèvecarene Island (brutal)
- The Forbidden City of Mhach
- The Last Advancement of Faith
- [3.0] The number of Allagan tomestones that can be obtained in certain dungeons and alliance raids has been adjusted.
- [2.0] [3.0] The Random Mission Gil bonus that can be obtained in dungeons prior to Update 3.0 has been increased.
- [2.0] The following additions and changes have been made to the mission tool.
- The number of current recruitments is automatically updated each time the mission tool is opened.
- A tooltip is displayed explaining the “Accept current missions” option.
- It is possible to check the weekly rewards already obtained within the missions or challenges that offer several.
- The language used can be selected in the “Mission Tool Settings” window.
- The accuracy of the average wait time estimate has been improved.
- The icon displayed after recording has been changed.
- The information displayed when registering and starting a mission, as well as the corresponding log messages, have been modified.
- Missions in which there is no awarding of rewards by rolling the dice no longer carry a loot rule indication when confirming participation.
- A "Functions on mission" window has been added.
- [3.0] A new PvP battle type, "Fields of Glory (Icebreaker)", has been added to the Front.
- [2.0] [3.0] In the contents below, the adrenaline gauge no longer increases if the player is out of combat.
- The Border Ruins (deletion)
- The Deep Rock (invasion)
- [3.0] The results screen of the fu Front mission “The Rock of the Deep (Invasion)” now displays the number of Prey (P), Kills (M) and Support (S).
- [2.0] [3.0] For greater clarity on the number of wins and losses a team has, the message appearing at the end of matches for The Fold and The Feast has been changed.
- [3.0] Reduced the transition time of The Feast's music to the screaming effect during the Carnage phase of The Feast from 7,5s → 4,5s.
- [3.0] The following additions and changes have been made to the Diadem.
- [3.0] The following additions and changes have been made to mannequin training.
Objects, making, harvesting
- [2.0] [3.0] New items have been added.
- [3.0] New recipes have been added.
- [2.0] [3.0] "Materia Specialist" NPCs have been added to the following locations.
- Limsa Lominsa - L'Entrepont (5.9, 12.2)
- Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (14.2, 10.5)
- Old Gridania (14.3, 10.0)
- Ishgard - The Foothills (8.0, 10.3) / Idyllea (7.4, 4.7).
- [2.0] The conditions for being able to request Mutamix to serve a materia in central Thanalan (23.7, 13.6) have been changed.
- [2.0] [3.0] The names of the objects below have been changed.
- [3.0] The item icon below has been changed.
- [3.0] The cooldown of Superior Cordial Brew has been reduced from 240s → 180s.
- [3.0] The following hyperconductive anima weapons now have a description.
- Stores hyperconductrice
- Verethragna hyperconducteurs
- Ukonvasara hyperconductrice
- Rhongomiant hyperconductrice
- Gandiva hyperconducteur
- Kannagi hyperconducteurs
- Nothung hyperconductrice
- Armageddon hyperconducteur
- Her Majesty hyperconductrice
- Hvergelmir hyperconductrice
- Draconomicon hyperconducteur
- Tetrabiblos hyperconducteur
- Deneb hyperconducteur
- Ancile hyperconducteur
- [3.0] The description of the objects below has been modified.
- Ishgardian dinner
- Luster ishgardais
- Ishgardian tiles
- Ishgardian wall covering
- Ishgardian breakfast
- Coffin plank
- [3.0] Ethereal Towers and Charged Towers can now be stacked.
- [2.0] A “Reward Manager” NPC, who can be re-purchased from seasonal events, has been placed next to the Logger NPC in each of the three cities.
- [2.0] New items can be traded with consignors in the three Cities.
- [2.0] New items are available from consignors in the three cities.
- [2.0] New items are available from the reward managers in all three cities.
- [3.0] The items below can now be dyed.
- Almace / Verethragna / Ukonvasara / Rhongomiant / Gandiva / Kannagi / Nothung / Armageddon / Majestas / Hvergelmir / Draconomicon / Tetrabiblos / Deneb / Ancile / Hyperconductive Almace / Hyperconductive Verethragna / Hyperconductive Hyperconductive Ukonvasara / Rhongomiant Hyperconductive Gandageddon / Rhongomiant Kiva Hyperconductive / Hyperconductive Armageddon Hyperconductive / Hyperconductive Majestas / Hyperconductive Hvergelmir / Hyperconductive Draconomicon / Hyperconductive Tetrabiblos / Hyperconductive Deneb / Hyperconductive Ancile / Replica of Almace / Replicas of Verethragna / Replica of Ukonvasara / Replica of Rhongomiant / Replica of Kandannagiblos / Replica of Gandothagung / Replica Replica Armageddon / Replica Majestas / Replica Hvergelmir / Replica Draconomicon / Replica Tetrabiblos / Replica Deneb / Replica Ancile
- [2.0] [3.0] Items have been added that can be dyed and have the same appearance as the armor obtained in the Abyss of Bahamut.
- [3.0] The following items can now be obtained from the Tower and the Remains of the City of Amdapor (Brutal).
- Purified Coke / Raziq's Blush / Dryad's Sap / Moonlight Silk Thread / Odorless Animal Fat / Sky Island Water
- [2.0] [3.0] The amount of health returned and the cooldown of some remedies have been adjusted.
- [3.0] Replica hyperconductive anima weapons can now be purchased from Azys Lla's reproduction device (7.1, 11.2).
- [3.0] Items have been added to the list of items that can be traded with NPC Bertana in Idyllea (5.9, 5.2).
- [3.0] The Merchant in Idyllea (5.9, 7.3) now sells the items below.
- Colorless prism I / Colorless prism II / Colorless prism III / Colorless prism IV / Colorless prism V / Mirage dissipator
- [3.0] The hardware store in Idyllea (5.9, 7.3) now sells the items below.
- Gysahl vegetables / Dark matter grade I / Dark matter grade II / Dark matter grade III / Dark matter grade IV / Dark matter grade V / Dark matter grade VI
- [3.0] The number of Insect Amber Pieces requested by the Rare Amber Collector at the Assisi of Ishgard (10, 10) has been adjusted for certain trades.
- [2.0] New accessories for the neck, ears, wrists and rings for the left hand have been added to the default equipment offered when creating a character.
- [2.0] [3.0] Items have been added to the list of rewards that can be brought back from Airship Expeditions.
- [2.0] “Find Recipe” and “Find Gathering Mode” options have been added to the item submenu in the following categories to make them easier to find in the Crafting and Gathering Logbooks.
- [2.0] [3.0] Quick Synthesis can now be used for the recipes below, and the conditions for its execution have been added to the Crafting Log.
- [3.0] The skill required for the rapid synthesis of the items below has been lowered from 850 → 810.
- [2.0] [3.0] Changes and additions have been made to special recipes in the Crafting Log.
- [3.0] Bottles of Cordial Brew can now be crafted, and a high-quality version can be obtained.
- [3.0] The number of Blue Craftsman Assignats obtained from the “Expert Collectables” NPC by delivering the items below has increased.
- Carpenter
- Titanium Fork / Sanctified Chestnut Composite Bow / Birch Longbow / Birch Spinning Wheel / Sanctified Chestnut Mask of Healing / Birch Signum / Sanctified Chestnut Necklace / Sanctified Chestnut Mask of Casting / Sanctified Chestnut Armils / Cane of Healing Sanctified Chestnut Peach / White Mica Grinding Wheel / Dark Chestnut Spinning Wheel / Sanctified Chestnut Ring
- Forgeron
- Titanium Mortar / Adamantium Broadsword / Adamantium Nail Hammer / Titanium Kitchen Knife / Adamantium Jamadhars / Adamantium File / Titanium Mallet / Adamantium Vouge / Adamantium Nippers / Titanium Longsword / Adamantium Knives / Adamantium Awl / Titanium Fists / Adamantium Greatsword / Adamantium Mortar / Titanium Greatsword / Adamantium Revolver / Adamantium Kitchen Knife / Titanium Flintlock Rifle / Adamantium Mallet / Hardsilver Hatchet / Adamantium Scythe
- Gunsmith
- Titanium Tasset of Fending / Adamantium Helmet of Fending / Adamantium Scutum / Titanium Forearm Cannons of Maiming / Adamantium Gauntlets of Fending / Adamantium Armor of Fending / Titanium Headguard of Striking / Tassette Adamantium Spindle of Fending / Adamantium Spindle of Fending / Titanium Vambraces of Scouting / Adamantium Sabatons of Fending / Adamantium Armor of Maiming / Titanium Hoplon / Adamantium Helmet of Maiming / Spindle Adamantium Chain Mail of Maiming / Titanium Chainmail of Striking / Adamantium Gauntlets of Maiming / Adamantium Tiara of Fending / Titanium Still / Adamantium Tassette of Maiming / Adamantium Plate Belt of Fending / Pan Mandrake Fry / Adamantium Slaughterhouse Sabatons
- Goldsmith
- Opal Ring of Slaying / Aurum Regis Bracelet of Fending / Opal Bracelet of Casting / Aurum Regis Bracelet of Slaying / Regis Aurum Planetary / Dragonfang Needle / Aurum Regis Drop Earrings of Slaying / Griffin Talon Ring of Fending / Aurum Regis Bracelet of Aiming / Griffin Talon Ring of Slaying / Hardsilver Pole / Aurum Regis Drop Earrings of Healing / Griffin Talon Ring of Healing / Earrings Opal Ears of Fending / Aurum Regis Bracelet of Casting / Citrine Choker of Fending / Opal Earrings of Aiming / Aurum Regis Drop Earrings of Casting / Citrine Choker of Aiming / Hardsilver Earrings of Gathering / Goblin Lure / Citrine Choker of Casting
- Tanner
- Dragonskin Belt of Maiming / Amphiperskin Armguards of Striking / Amphiperskin Boots of Striking / Dragonskin Gloves of Aiming / Amphiperskin Ringed Belt of Aiming / Thigh Boots Amphiptera Leather Gloves of Healing / Amphiperskin Gloves of Healing / Amphiperskin Armguards of Scouting / Amphiptera Leather Belt of Maiming / Dhalmelskin Shoes / Hat of Casting Amphiptera Leather Bracers of Aiming / Dragonskin Breeches of Fending / Amphiperskin Ceremonial Gloves of Casting / Amphiptera Leather Belt of Scouting / Breeches of Scouting Dragonhide Scout / Dragonhide Belt of Crafting / Amphiptera Leather Gloves of Casting / Dragonhide Boots of Healing / Dragonhide Choker / Dragonhide Band / Leather Cuffs dragon
- Dressmaker
- Sanctified Ramie Sash of Aiming / Chimeric Felt Beanie of Aiming / Chimeric Felt Cyclas of Striking / Sanctified Ramie Sash of Casting / Chimeric Felt Beanie of Aiming / Chimeric Felt Spindle of Aiming / Ramie Doublet of Creation / Chimeric Felt Beanie of Scouting / Chimeric Felt Cyclas of Scouting / Ramie Pants of Gathering / Chimeric Felt Klobouk of Healing / Chimeric Felt Dawn of Healing / Sanctified Ramie Doublet of Aiming / Chimeric Felt Gloves of Healing / Chimeric Felt Footwear of Healing / Sanctified Ramie Doublet of Healing / Chimeric Felt Corset of Healing / Chimeric Felt Robe of Casting / Sanctified Ramie Greaves of Healing / Chimeric Felt Corset of Casting / Felt Sash of Aiming Chimeric / Sanctified Ramie Greagues of Casting / Chimeric Felt Sash of Casting
- Alchemist
- Sanctified Chestnut Wand / Aurum Regis Book / Dragonskin Grimoire / Aurum Regis Picatrix / Dragonskin Codex
- Cook
- Royal eggs / Iced mix / Emerald soup / Baked pipira pira / Liver cheese sandwich / Cockatrice fricadelle
- Carpenter
- [3.0] Additions and changes have been made to collectables obtained by gatherers.
- [3.0] The collection value required by the "Collector's Expert" NPC for certain items has been lowered from 530 → 515.
- [3.0] The items below can now be delivered to the "Collectibles Expert" NPC.
- Cedar Log / Dragon Obsidian Shard
- [3.0] The number of Red Harvester Assignats obtained from the "Collector's Expert" NPC by delivering the items below to him has increased.
- Sunset Jade / Periwinkle
- [3.0] The number of experience points received for delivering the items below to the “Collectibles Expert” NPC has increased.
- Fossilized Dragon Bone / Tektite / Wind Widow / Cloud Cep
- [3.0] The number of items received from the "Assignat Accountant" NPC in Idyllea (5.7, 7.0) has been adjusted.
- [3.0] New items can be obtained from Gathering Points.
- [3.0] Hidden properties have been assigned to some intact or legendary harvest points.
- [3.0] The chances of harvesting an old wyvern or dragon hide map have been increased for miners and botanists.
- [3.0] The following items can now be discovered in more Gathering Points.
- Minor
- Fossilized Dragon Bone / Tektite / Sunset Jade
- Botanist
- Wind Widow / Cloud Cep / Periwinkle
- Minor
- [2.0] The following items can now be discovered in more intact Gathering Points.
- Minor
- See grégaire
- Botanist
- Mazlaya herbs
- Minor
- [3.0] The chance of discovering a hidden Gathering Point while using a Talisman has increased.
- [3.0] Legendary fish have been added to areas around Ishgard.
- [3.0] The time taken to fish for an Amber Salamander has been adjusted.
- [2.0] [3.0] Additions and modifications have been made to the logbook and the nomenclature.
- [3.0] A new chocobo bard has been added.
- [2.0] [3.0] New mounts have been added.
- [2.0] [3.0] New pets have been added.
- [2.0] A new “Recommended Equipment” function has been added.
- [2.0] [3.0] New achievements and titles have been added.
- [2.0] [3.0] The following content is now counted for achievements requiring high level missions in a team of 8.
- The Crater of Embers (extreme) / The Navel (extreme) / Howleye (extreme) / The Bramble Edge (extreme) / The Tidal Breaker (extreme) / The Tree of Judgment (extreme) / The Akh Amphitheater Afah (extreme) / Thok ast Thok (extreme) / The Blue Immensity (extreme) / The reign of Thordan / Restraint unit S1P7 (extreme) / The Labyrinth of Bahamut I, II, IV and V / The Meanders of Bahamut / Meanders of Bahamut (sadistic) / The Abyss of Bahamut / Alexander - Gordias / Alexander - Gordias (sadist) / Alexander - Midas / Alexander - Midas (sadist) / The ire of Nidhogg
- [2.0] New online reports have been added to the Mentor system.
- [2.0] The following criteria have been added to the character search window.
- Mentor (Combat) / Mentor (Crafting / Gathering) / Mentor (PvP)
- [2.0] Additions and changes have been made to the map and the compass.
- [2.0] An option has been added to find market items.
- [2.0] Additions and changes have been made to the "work" type servant duties.
- [2.0] Additions and changes have been made to the slideshow camera.
- [2.0] Additions and changes have been made to the group pose.
- [2.0] Display changes have been made to the log.
- [2.0] The calendar now allows you to check the remaining daily tribal quest quota.
- [2.0] [3.0] Changes have been made to the Character menu.
- [2.0] Changes and additions have been made to the Recommendations.
- [2.0] It is now possible to save up to 4 different ATH configurations. In addition, a function allowing to copy / paste them has been added.
- [2.0] When using the “Check Outfit” submenu option, locations where no equipment is worn now show “None”.
- [2.0] Additions and changes have been made to the Team Finder feature.
- [2.0] The message displayed when using the eviction vote has been changed.
- [2.0] The Voyage Log window now has the same tabbed layout as completed quests in the Diary.
- [2.0] A "Graphics Quality" section has been added to Display Settings, in the System Configuration menu. (PlayStation® 4 version)
- [2.0] A new function has been added to the team members list.
- [2.0] The HP bar of Alliance List characters that cannot be targeted now appears grayed out.
- [2.0] The "Show error messages of actions" setting in the Log window now takes into account messages related to PvP actions.
- [2.0] [3.0] New text commands have been added.
- [2.0] The functions of some text commands have been extended.
- [2.0] The text / loot (/ loot) command has been removed.
- [2.0] New arguments have been added.
- [2.0] An item has been added to the Key Assignment window.
- [2.0] New terms have been added to the machine translation dictionary.
- [2.0] [3.0] New music tracks have been added.
- [2.0] The meteor icon link at the bottom left of the connection program has been changed. (Windows / Mac / PlayStation® 4)
- [2.0] Changes have been made to the free trial of the game.