This morning update 3.07 was deployed. As announced during the last LL, it brings adjustments to the job, the addition of the TP bar as well as some miscellaneous adjustments in PvP, and on items.
Job Opportunities
Black Knight
- Rampage: The visual effect has been adjusted so that you can better distinguish attacks from enemies.
- Blood Weapon: The action now reduces the PT cost of weapon techniques by 20%.
Pugilist / Monk
- Meditation: Reduced cooldown to 1.2 seconds from 1.5.
- Forbidden Chakra: The time to use another action after being cast has been reduced.
- Tornado Kick Cooldown reduced to 40 seconds from 60 seconds.
- Lightning speed :
- The damage bonus has been increased to 10% from 9%.
- Effect duration increased to 14 seconds from 12.
- PvP area effect duration has been increased to 28 seconds from 24 seconds.
- Lightning Speed II:
- The damage bonus has been increased to 20% from 18%.
- Effect duration increased to 14 seconds from 12.
- PvP area effect duration has been increased to 28 seconds from 24 seconds.
- Lightning Speed III:
- The damage bonus has been increased to 30% from 27%.
- Effect duration increased to 14 seconds from 12.
- PvP area effect duration has been increased to 28 seconds from 24 seconds.
- Vivid reloading:
- Cooldown reduced to 30 seconds from 40.
- The amount of PT recovered has been reduced to 30 from 50.
- The cooldown has been reduced to 15 seconds from 30 seconds when the "Sharper Reload" trait was acquired.
- Beneficence: Healing power increased to 400 from 380.
- Beneficence II: Healing power increased to 650 from 620.
- Helios: Healing power increased to 300 from 290.
- Charitable aspect:
- Periodic recovery power after activating Day Theme has been increased to 140 from 100.
- Barrier power after activating Night Theme has been increased to 130% from 100%.
- Helios aspect:
- Healing power when Night Theme is not activated has been increased to 200 from 140.
- Healing power after activating Night Theme has been increased to 150 from 140.
- Periodic recovery power after activating Day Theme has been reduced to 40 from 50.
- Synastrie:
- The action now increases the effects of self-cast healing magic spells by 20%.
- Teammate in synastry now recovers the equivalent of 40% of health healed when a single target healing spell has been cast on self or a teammate, at the equivalent of 50% of health healed when a spell single target healing magic has been cast on a third.
- Cooldown reduced to 90 seconds from 120.
- Celestial Opposition: Reduced cooldown to 120 seconds from 150 seconds.
- Invalidation :
- The action reduces the damage done by the target's next attack instead of the next action.
- Effect duration reduced to 6 seconds from 10.
- Collective unconscious :
- The action now provides the same effects as Daytime Theme or Nighttime Theme is on, creating a Wheel of Fortune reducing damage received by 10% and granting a periodic health recovery effect to nearby teammates.
- The player stops attacking once the action is started.
- Periodic recovery power has been reduced to 150 from 200.
- Periodic cooldown has been reduced to 15 seconds from 18 seconds.
- Libra: The duration of the effect has been increased to 30 seconds from 15.
- The Trunk Effect duration has been increased to 30 seconds from 15.
- The Arrow Effect duration has been increased to 30 seconds from 15.
Adjustments have been made to the following actions:
Pugilist / Monk
- Falling Kick: The duration of "Lightning Speed III" has been increased to 28 seconds from 24 seconds.
- Depuration: Reduced cooldown to 120 seconds from 180 seconds, cooldown reduced to 90 seconds from 150 when "Improved cleanse" effect is activated.
Adjustments have been made to PvP to improve balance:
- The power drop due to distance for firearms and bows is less pronounced when the character benefits from the effects of "Gauss Cannon" or "Vagabond's Minuet".
The "Battle Drunkenness" and "Battle Fever" effects have been adjusted as follows: - Adrenaline rises 1,25 times faster under Combat Drunkenness, down from 1,5 times previously.
Adrenaline rises 1,5 times faster under Combat Fever, instead of 2 times previously.
* These changes affect Suppression Battles at Border Ruins and Invasion Battles at Deep Rock.
Adjustments were made to the effects of Talismans obtained for red harvester assignats:
- Reduced duration of effect to 5 minutes from 15.
- The chance of uncovering hidden Gathering Points is now three times greater.
Des sea food have been added to the list of items a servant can bring back from "Fishing Work" missions: Giant Blue Shrimp / Rock Mussel / Marimog / Sugarfish / Cerulean Coral
The chances of fishing a "Gurnard-galley" using a "Bestial Leech" have been adjusted.
Additions and modifications have been made to the list of team members:
- Teammate PT gauges are now displayed.
- In order to limit the use of graphics memory, the number of available PTs is not displayed under these gauges.
- The team bonus is now displayed in the Teammates category of the Research window.
Resolved issues
JcE, Jobs, Classes
- The "Gauss Cannon" state disappeared when a machinist used all of his MP.
- The Machinists' Tower auto-turret could stop attacking enemies under certain conditions.
- In some cases, it was not possible to cancel an action while moving when a weapon technique was used immediately after canceling the "Drifter's Minuet" or "Gauss Cannon" state.
- Under certain conditions, the "Bahamut Aether" effect could be granted in inappropriate situations.
- Under certain conditions, the effects of the meal could not be reflected correctly to the pet.
- Some Guild Mandates were available in Adventurer Guilds before completing the quest to unlock them.
- In PvP areas, the magic damage reduction bonus received from the Astromancer was too low.
- Some data in the PvP Profile window was not showing.
Craft, harvest
- Under certain conditions, the weekly number of red artisan and harvester assignats obtained was not reset.
- After accepting a quest that required the delivery of a high-quality item, a message indicating the progress of the quest was displayed upon login.
- The company workshops located at the Cup were not resting places.
- The Materia help text did not indicate the item corresponding to the catalyst.
System, others
- On the character creation screen, some make-ups were not showing and therefore could not be selected.
- Part of the Antiquated Tantra doublet vest was not displaying correctly when a Hyurgoth was equipping it.
- Under certain conditions, some of Aoranne's haircuts did not display properly.
- In some areas, it was possible to get stuck in certain parts of the scenery.
- In some areas it was possible to go beyond the boundaries of the map and get stuck there.
- When entering text in an input field containing multiple lines and in a language other than Japanese, it was not possible to click in another input field. (Mac version only)
- The help menu was not available. (Mac version only)