Update 2.55 has just been live and brings, among other things, the sequel to The A Realm Reborn Epic, new quests and changes to Gold Saucer's activities.
In summary, here is what the second part of Before the Fall offers us:
- Following epic : direction the Refuge des Roches to start.
- New quests from postman at Limsa Lominsa to the Maître Mog postman (L'Entrepont - 10,11)
- As announced by Yoshida, changes to the Triple Triad take player feedback into account:
- A new NPC can be faced, but it does not count towards the "Card and Bone" achievement.
- Some NPCs have had their card play changed, as well as their playing rules.
- The number of duels for tournaments has been changed, as have the points.
- At the end of the tournament, you will receive a PGS reward based on your score as well as a Platinum Triple Triad pouch if you have achieved the required score.
- The chocobo races have received many adjustments:
- the rewards obtained have been reviewed,
- the chests are bigger, the blue appearance rate has been revised,
- the frequency of spawning of certain racing items has been adjusted,
- the effects of certain shopping items have been reviewed,
- the impact of bad weather has been reduced,
- skills and traits have been adjusted.
- JACTA : Several modifications have been made, such as the increase in the number of PGS received as a reward for the "Attention, fragile" and "Mascotee in distress" JACTAs.
- The price in PGS of some items has been changed.
- A new challenge has been added: The Siege of the Holy City of Ishgard. It will be necessary to have advanced in the epic to unlock it.
- Echo is now 20% in Meanders of Bahamut.
- The progress store is no longer in Bahamut Abyss, you can explore the floors as you see fit and get there via the mission tool.
- The health and attack of ordinary monsters encountered during the 1st floor have been decreased. In addition, the attack of the "Battleship Valiant" monster on the 2nd floor has been reduced.
- Along with the removal of the Bahamut Abyss weekly limit, changes have been made to the progression of Ethereal Sealing of Ancient Novus Weapons and the Resonance of Zodiac Weapons when a mission is successful.
- There is no longer a reward limit in the Dark World.
- A new item has been added to the rewards of your choice for the quest "A Real Orb Mine", the weekly asking to do all three Crystal Tower raids. You will now have the choice between an encrypted Allagan tomestones, a vial of Allagan tomestones or a reinforced Allagan fiber boot.
- New items have been added: a postman's cap and the Triple Triad Platinum pouch.
- Revenant Deathknell NPC Talan (21, 6) has new items: artifice III half-materia and vials of cordial brew.
- The chest now accommodates new items.
- New achievements have been added.
- The mission tool grouping algorithm has been improved in preparation for the expansion's release.
- Dedicated background music has been added for "Magitek Armor" and "Magitek Type C Armor" mounts.
- Several issues have been fixed.
If you'd like to read the full patch notes, head over to The Lodestone.