Square Enix informs us of its plan of attack against RMT. A little vocabulary lesson before getting to the heart of the matter: RMT means Real Money Trading. The purchase of virtual currency in exchange for real money is strictly forbidden. GS (gilssellers in FFXIV) are obviously banned, as are buyers.
On Final Fantasy XI a special unit aimed at eradicating this phenomenon had been created. It resulted in a good result and even a communication about the actions carried out. We find the same system on ARR: the special unit comes from banish 518 accounts promoting RMT.
Among these accounts, Square Enix noticed that some had been stolen. The team reminds you to take care to protect your account and suggests that you purchase the Square Enix authenticator.
Find all the details in the message below.
Official message
We have confirmed the presence of advertisements for RMT * sites and responded to them as follows.
* RMT (Real Money Trade): corresponds to the act of selling an account or game data for real money.
-Period from August 24, 2013 to September 5, 2013
- Accounts sanctioned for having advertised RMT sites: 518 - Details of the sanction: permanent ban of FINAL FANTASY XIV
We will continue our efforts through cooperation between GM teams and the Special Unit and the addition of discussion filters to resolve this issue.
RMT is not allowed in FINAL FANTASY XIV under any circumstances. If you receive any solicitation from RMT, please ignore it.
We also noticed that among the sanctioned accounts, some had been stolen. In order to protect your information, we ask our players to ensure the security of their Square Enix Account. We strongly recommend the use of Square Enix authenticator to ensure better protection of their data.
For more information on the authenticator: http://sqex.to/qCn
In any case, when you see an advertisement for an RMT site, please report it to us by going to the Main menu -> Services and help -> Contact us -> Report illegal behavior.
* Presentation of the Special Unit
The Special Unit is a special team tasked with eliminating illegal actions that adversely affect the balance of FINAL FANTASY XIV, and maintaining a healthy playing environment. Concretely, it is responsible for monitoring actions that do not fall within the scope of the work of GMs (game masters), such as RMT acts (sale of objects / money / game services for real money) or unlawful use of third-party programs. The infringements noted and confirmed by the GMs are analyzed by the special unit which takes the appropriate measures in the event of an infringement or a proven RMT act.