Here is the last tool in the game Le Light. This ultimate tool will be the end of the progression before the expansion. Here's what to do to get it.
You will need for your tool:
- 20 Moonstone
- 60 Frost Crystal or 60 Duck Bones or 60 Black Minium or 60 Clear Fluorite or 60 Camel Fleece or 60 Artificial Sharpening Stone or 60 Black Smoke Oil or 60 Heat Resistant Plaster or 60 Urushi
- Your supra tool
- Collect 408 from your Gathering Trades
Obtain the Moonstones
You have three ways to get the moonstones:
- By making treasure maps
- By doing the delivery quest to Ixali
- By purchasing them for 4 Great Company Points
Obtain the other components
To obtain the other components, you have two possibilities:
- By purchasing them for 600 Great Company Points
- By carrying out level 45 mandates in Mor Dhona
- Cook
- Alchemist
- Goldsmith
- Dressmaker
- Forgeron
- Tanner
- Gunsmith
- Carpenter
To have your Chantico lucis Sauteuse, you need 20 Duck stock HQ. To make 1, here are the components:
- 4 Wild Onion + 2 Garlemaldais Garlic + 1 Thyme + 1 Duck Breast + 3 Duck Bones
To have your Paracelsus lucis still, you need 20 Mercury enchanted HQ. To make 1, here are the components:
- 2 Tarantula + 1 Raziq Sand + 3 Black Minium
To have your Hammer of Urcaguary lucis, you need 20 Fluorite Clear HQ Lenses. To make 1, here are the components:
- 1 Siltstone Sharpening Stone + 1 Basilisk Sharpening Stone + 1 Emery + 3 Clear Fluorite
To have your Clotho lucis spindle, you need 20 Camelot HQ. To make 1, here are the components:
- 1 Cashmere Fleece + 1 Diluted Vitriol + 3 Camel Fleece
To get your Lucis Vulcan Hammer, you need 20 HQ Acrobat Daggers. To make 1, here are the components:
- 1 Ferberite Ore + 1 Scheelite Ore + 3 Artificial Whetstone
To get your Pinga Lucis Knife, you need 20 HQ Patent Saurian Leather. To make 1, here are the components:
- 1 Tinolqa Tea Leaves + 1 Saurien Skin + 3 Black Smoke Oil
To get your Hammer of Kurdalaegon lucis, you need 20 Animal Bells HQ. To make 1, here are the components:
- 1 Ferberite Ore + 1 Scheelite Ore + 3 Heat Resistant Plaster
To get your Ullikummi Lucis Saw, you need 20 HQ Petrified Wood Logs. To make 1, here are the components:
- 1 Scarlet Sap + 1 Petrified Log + 3 Urushi
Here is the most complicated part: manufacturing the requested components in High Quality. I will present two different cycles to you, however, for each of the two cycles you will need:
- 442 Skill
- 374 Control
- 395 or 398 PS
To get 395 Ps or 398 Ps, you must take Bouillabaisse HQ as food
Through this cycle, you are going to only need a craft string proc. However, for the profession of gunsmith, you will have a little trouble because you will not be able to have all the required spells. Don't worry, you are offered a second cycle.
Pre-requisite sort:
- Blessing of Byregot
- Safe Hand II
- Ingenuity II,
- Parsimony
- Parsimony II
- Prudent synthesis II
- Early work
- Tricks of the trade
- Comfort zone
- Innovation
- Handling
The tricks of the trade are not possible throughout the cycle, you only have two possibilities. If you get a proc during the other phases, do not take the string of the trade.
Comfort zone, you can take the Tricks of the trade proc
Interior calm
Ingenuity II
Parsimony II no longer takes Strings of the Trade proc
Prudent synthesis II
Prudent synthesis II
Safe Hand II
Early work X 5
From there, you can take the Tricks of the trade proc
Comfort zone
End of taking Strings of the Trade procs
If you had a Tricks of the Trade proc:
Safe hand II otherwise Safe hand
Early work X 4
If you had a Tricks of the Trade proc:
Safe hand
Great progress
If excellent condition is present Blessing of Byregot
Otherwise Innovation then Blessing of Byregot
Prudent synthesis II
Here is the whole sequence with the tricks of the trade
The second cycle that I propose to you is much more dependent on the trade string proc. You must have more than 3 to pass this cycle. But it is achievable with all trades. Here take each craft string proc. The more PS you have, the more you will be able to replace early works with standard works.
Pre-requisite spell:
- Blessing of Byregot
- Safe Hand II
- Ingenuity II
- Prudent synthesis II
Comfort zone
Interior calm
Safe Hand II
Early work X3
Master repair
Safe Hand II
Comfort zone
Early work X3
Master repair
Safe Hand II
Early work X3
Comfort zone
Master repair
Safe Hand II
Great progress
Depending on your PS Innovation otherwise
Blessing of Byregot
Ingenuity II
Prudent synthesis II X 3
Here is the whole sequence with the tricks of the trade
You are now ready to make all the available recipes!
- youtube.com/watch?v=0knoC_cDCcI
- youtube.com/watch?v=z3CXY_Gv7YM