Macros allow you to perform several actions with just one touch. They are very useful to save time and space in your action bars.
To create a macro, you must first go to the appropriate menu: Esc key, then Macros or even use /macro.
Now let's create a macro. As a White Mage I sometimes use Prompt Magic followed byExtra Care. Rather than pressing two keys, I put it all together on one:
- I start the macro with /B.C (or / action) which tells the macro that what follows is an action to use.
- I then specify which action I want to use: I want to use Prompt Magic. to write it I will use the auto-translate function. I type Magi (the beginning of the word) then I press the tab key and I select the desired expression in the list by pressing the appropriate number on my keyboard (the 2 here). I then put the expression between quotation marks.
- It only remains to define the target of the action, ie me! So I add a at the end.
Which gives us for this first line: / Ac "(Prompt magic)"
- On the second line, I define a time limit between the first action and the second. Here a second is enough, then I put /wait 1.
- Finally, on the third line, I place my extra care, using the same method as for Magie Prompte: /ac "(Extra Care)"
. The target is not necessarily myself, I add a , this term designating my current target (the tank for example).
We obtain on the third line / ac "(Extra Care)"
Here is what our macro gives when finished:
One can change your icon by clicking on it and assigning it a name. To use it, simply drag it into a location in your action bars
Another example: in disciple of the hand you often use the same actions. To make your life easier, group them into a macro:
Or, one to chain basic actions:
/ ac "Standard book"
/wait 3
/ ac "Standard book"
/wait 3
/ ac "Standard book"
/wait 3
/ ac "Master repair"
/wait 3
/ ac "Standard book"
/wait 3
/ ac "Standard book"
/wait 3
/ ac "Basic work"
Two more for chain recipes (ingots for example):

Some precisions :
- since phase 3, the decimal places in a / wait are no longer taken into account and the time is rounded to the nearest value. If you put a decimal, your macro will still work, but the real value will be different from what you put.
- It is not recommended to use 60s-style long / waits for the simple reason that during this time you could call a macro that undoes the first one.
Other macro examples for several classes:
- Macro tank targeting:
/ mk triangle
/wait 0.5
/p Fight => /ta
It allows DPS to do a simple / ta triangle to quickly target the enemy they need to attack.
- Macro Cover
Our tank puts the healer in focus most of the time, which allows me to use the macro:
/ macroicon Cover
/wait 0.1
/ ac Cover
/ p Cover
- Macro for Paladin ~ 45
/ macroicon Sentinels
/ ac Sentinel
/ and Aguet
/ ac Rempart
The Sentinel CD is the longest, Aguet is shorter and Rempart too, just look at the state of the cooldown on the Sentinel icon to know if the others are ready or not. This macro only features actions that increase DEF and for, for example, the one that negates the chance to take critical damage, it is placed elsewhere.
First of all a video which helped Ahzuriel Badaboom to design his macros:
- Macro "Burst" :
/ macroicon "Furious Shot"
/ ac "Furious Shot" "
/ ac "Hawk eye"
/ ac "Internal release"
/ ac "Burst of blows"
/ ac "Blood for blood"
/ac "Motivation"
- General macro of actions:
/ macroicon "Le nom de l'action"
/ ac "Completion"
/ ac "Bleeding"
/ ac "The name of the action"
- Macro poisonous bite:
/ macroicon "Poisonous bite"
/ ac "Completion"
/ ac "Bleeding"
/ ac "Poisonous bite"
- Wind bite macro:
/ macroicon "Bite of the wind"
/ ac "Completion"
/ ac "Bleeding"
/ ac "Bite of the wind"
- Powerful Archery Macro (addition of the Pugilist's "Inner Release" action as it has a small cooldown):
/ macroicon "Powerful archery"
/ ac "Internal release"
/ ac "Completion"
/ ac "Bleeding"
/ ac "Powerful archery"
- Macro Right Shot (guarantees the buff + 10% crit):
/ macroicon "Straight shot"
/ ac "Straight shot"
/ ac "Completion"
/ ac "Bleeding"
- Macro Chant ON/OFF :
/ macroicon "song name"
/ ac "song name"
/ p name of the song - message for the group -
- Ballade du mage ON
/ macroicon "Ballade du mage"
/ ac "Ballade du mage"
/ p Ballade du mage Regen MP UP !!!
- Ballade du mage OFF
/ macroicon "Ballade du mage"
/ ac "Ballade du mage"
/ p Ballade du mage Regen MP DOWN !!!
/ ignore1 sign
/wait 0.5
/ p Sleep .
And finally two macros where we put several commands without / wait, which allows depending on the conditions to use the right one by pressing only one key:

Now that you understand the principle of creating and using macros, it's your turn! On the official ARR website you will find all the text commands you will need:
- Manual for Windows
- Manual for PS3
You also have in-game help. To find out what an order does, just write /? / nomdelacommande in the chat bar.
A big thank you to my CL members: Joe, Ame and Ahzuriel for taking the time to share some of their macro and explain how they work <3
Now it's up to you to share yours!