News continues to pour in about Final Fantasy XVIX: A Realm Reborn. After yesterday's videos (which are now in spanish: FFXIV ARR: videos, benchmark and feedback), here is the producer's letter in a somewhat special format because it is a long series of questions / answers. Here are the answers that seem to me the most relevant among the 46 of the session:
- les residential areas will be available after release. It will then be possible to have a chocobo farm.
- not the PS4 at the moment (PS3 in priority)
- a version downloadable will be made available
- l'summoner will be available on release
- it will be possible to fish, to bathe in a swimsuit ...
- the objects that generate a symbiosis will be linked (to promote trade)
- fall damage in% of life, maximum up to 1 point of life
- the outfit system, the Arsenal table, is a catalog of items that players own
- harvesters will have infiltration skills
- les those should appear less in sparsely populated areas
- les NM (Notorious Monsters) will mostly appear during ALEA
- les servants allow the items to be sold and kept. They may have other features later
- global stock refresh has been reduced by 0.5 seconds
- un hairdresser should allow to change the appearance after creation of the character (hair, eyes)
- a system of achievements will be linked to free companies (guilds)
- le PvP will be based on an egalitarian system based on the same level of skills
- there will be companions (non-combatant mini-pets)
- les major updates are planned on a basis of 2 and a half months
- les mini-scenarios will move the story forward and introduce important characters like Gilgamesh
For all the information, I invite you to read all 5 pages of the forum (here). A post on the blog provides a behind-the-scenes look.
Would you have liked to ask the developers more questions?