A new ALEA took place on the occasion of Nico Nico Chokaigi in Chiba where a small live letter also took place. In addition to the information given about the Benchmark and the abortive plan for a fighting game, other small details have been revealed.
For those who already dreamed of DirectX 12, Naoki Yoshida is categorical: there are currently no plans to develop a DX12 version of FFFXIV.
As for the game itself, we learn that the new jobs will not have quests to obtain a Zodiac weapon but will have Primordial weapons, that the Gold Saucer will contain a new attraction and that 20 new cards will be added to the Triple Triad .
The next 24-player raid will be added with the first major update.
Good news for those whose inventory screams in despair: the storage capacity of the servants will be increased.
We end up on your chocobo companion: its maximum level will increase but it has not been specified by how much.
Note that if you have purchased the expansion you will be able to create an Au Ra character as soon as Heavensward is released.

There were also some beautiful cosplays during this ALEA!

- Dualshockers
- FF14net