Let's take a look at the mounts available in the game since update 2.1. To see the frames already presented, go to the last article.
Mounts obtained through reputations
Each of the following frames can be purchased for 120000 gils, even at this price, they are too adorable!
Crowned Goobbue
Sylphe Vendor
Cavalry Draconid
Seller Amalj'aa
Cavalry elbst
Sahuagin seller
Bombo swing
Seller Kobold
Grim wolf
Seller ixali
Mounts of Achievements
The following two mounts are obtained thanks to an achievement: to have them, you must complete 200 challenges at 8 as a Paladin for the war lion and complete 200 challenges to 8 as a Warrior for theWar bear (Extreme Primals and Bahamut only).

War lion

War bear
For'Magitek type C armor, you must receive 500 times the honors of your teammates.
Chocobo the parade, you must receive 3000 times the honors of your teammates.
For the displacement module, you have to win 200 fronts.
Mounts on the primordial
The following mounts can be obtained after combat on the various primordial:
Aithon on Ifrit Extrême
Gullfaxi on Titan Extrême
Enbarr on Leviathan Extrême
Xanthos on Garuda Extrême
Alicorne de Jais on Garuda / Titan / Ifrit Extrême
Ship on Ramuh Extrême
Boreas - on Shiva Extrême
When you have obtained the following mounts: Aithon, Xanthos, Gullfaxi, Enbarr, Markab, Boréas, go to Wandering Minstrel in Mor Dhona (21, 8) to obtain To do :
PvP mounts
The following mounts are obtained through an achievement: to get them, you must achieve 100 Frontline victories with your great company
Sand horse - The Immortals
Stormhorse -The Maelstrom
Snake horse - The Order of the Two Vipers
The loyal player's mount
Le Big chocobo is a bonus mount, offered to owners of the Collector's Edition of FFXIV, V1 et A Realm Reborn
Veteran Rewards
L'Elephant béhémoth is offered to you in-game when you purchase a 270-day subscription.
Sponsorship frame
Draft Chocobo
Frame at purchase
Sleipnir - on purchase in the Mog station
Ceremonial Chocobo - obtained with a Gold Formula or Platinum Formula of the Eternal Bond.
Gold Saucer
Adamankhelone obtained with 200,000 GPS
Fenrir obtained with 1 GPS
And you, what is your mount?
Guide V1 : 01/07/14Guide V.2.3: 29/07/14
Guide V.2.4: 20/08/14
Guide V.2.4.1: 21/11/14
Guide V.2.5: 01/02/15
Guide V.2.5.1: 28/02/15