Prepare your gallons of coffee and stockpile of groceries, the final part of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Phase 3 Beta will begin Wednesday, July 10 at 11 a.m. KST and end on Monday, July 15 at 11 a.m.
We will therefore have 5 days to enjoy and test the game before phase 4. The dates for the latter will be announced shortly.
On the program for this phase 3
We find the usual program in addition to the server test:
- Endurance test of the servers following the modifications made to the combat system.
- Mission tool overload test.
- Transfer of character data from V1.
- Verifications of modifications based on feedback from phase 2.
- V2 test of the Lodestone site until July 17.

About the characters and the client in phase 3
Various information was provided:
- The characters will be deleted, but their creation data will be kept: during phase 4 and the official release of the game, you will be able to use these skins. They are saved on your computer. Be careful not to delete the following folders: My documents -> My games -> FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn (Beta Version) for the Windows version and ("XMB" menu) Game → Saved data utility (PS3 ™ ) for the Playstation 3 version.
- You will be able to remove the client from phase 3. It will no longer work for phase 4 and the official release.
- Square Enix and Sony Entertainment Network account links operated during phase 3 will be canceled at the end of phase XNUMX.
Niconico broadcast of July 14
During phase 3, Hiroyuki Nishimura and Naoki Yoshida will offer a show on Niconico with live footage from the beta. It may therefore be that there is more connection to the game than usual and that these are limited. Be patient !
Feedback on the Japan Expo conference.
The Secrets of Éorzéa fansite offers the entire conference in a subtitled version. Thanks to them !
- Official Beta Forum
- the fansite Secrets of Eorzéa