As you probably already know, one of the strengths of Final Fantasy XIV is the possibility of own all classes and jobs of the game on the same character. Therefore, it is possible, among other things, to draw ten spells other classes to maximize the potential of your main class and five spells other classes to optimize the potential of your jobs.
I will therefore show you the five spells who are, for me, the best for each job 50 level, in Group. Please note, this is only advices.
The scholar can use some spells of the elementalist and the occultist.
The five best spells
- Stoicism: Very useful when you don't want to take the risk of being interrupted by casting a large or long spell to load.
- Prompt Magic: Indispensable spell, very useful for instantly resurrecting a character or re-summoning his fairy.
- Shield: Useful when there is no White Mage in the group.
- Breastplate: A fairly large shield, always useful for a healer.
- Wind: Wind is a DoT (damage over time) instant, so you can pair it with Bacteria or Extra Ruin when you're moving and / or don't need to heal.
Spells to consider
- Presence of the Priest: Indispensable in just, you do more damage but your healing is lowered.
Unnecessary spells
- Heal: You already have an equivalent heal.
- Life: You already have an equivalent resurrection spell.
The summoner can use some spells of the Archer and the occultist.
The five best spells
- Stoicism: Very useful when you don't want to take the risk of being interrupted by casting a large or long spell to load.
- Prompt Magic: Indispensable spell, very useful for instantly resurrecting a character or re-summoning his Egi.
- Furious Shot: A good boost damage.
- Silent Strike: Useful not to regain aggro from the tank while continuing to DPS.
Unnecessary spell
- Falcon Eye: You do magic damage, not physical damage.
White Mage
Le white mage can use spells of the arcanist and the occultist.
The five best spells
- Virus: Useful to limit the damage of a monster or a boss by lowering its characteristics.
- Guardrail: Useful to limit physical damage inflicted by an enemy.
- Stoicism: Very useful when you don't want to take the risk of being interrupted by casting a large or long spell to load.
- Prompt Magic: Indispensable spell, very useful to resuscitate a character instantly.
Unnecessary spells
- Ruin: You have Earth and Extra Earth.
- Medicine: You already have an equivalent treatment.

In action...
Black Magus
The dark mage can use certain spells of the Archer and the arcanist.
The five best spells
- Medicine: It is always useful to be able to heal yourself, whether in just ou in Group when the healers are struggling to hold on.
- Virus: Useful to limit the damage of a monster or a boss by lowering its characteristics and therefore assist the group.
- Guardrail: Useful to limit physical damage inflicted by an enemy and therefore assist the group.
- Furious Shot: A good damage boost.
- Silent Strike: Useful not to regain aggro from the tank while continuing to DPS.
Useless spells
- Falcon Eye: You do magic damage, not physical damage.
- Ruin: No use in your cycle DPS.
The paladin can use certain spells of the marauder and the elementalist.
The five best spells
- Aguet: Increase your defense, always useful for a tank.
- Care: Useful in just or to relieve your healers during difficult phases.
- Bloodbath: An additional source of personal care.
- Fracture: One DoT, useful for maintaining enmity over time.
- Finishing move: Useful for finishing a monster and chaining.
Spells to consider
- Shield: Useful in just.
- Breastplate: Useful in just.
- Life: Very situational.
Unnecessary spell
- Skullbreaker: You already have what it takes to generate enmity.
Le warrior can use some spells of the paladin and pugilist.
The five best spells
- Flash: Zone spell that increases your enmity (aggro in FFXIV) on enemies around you, very useful on monster packs.
- Convalescence: Useful on phases where you take a lot of damage.
- Provocation: Strongly increases your enmity on a target, useful if a particular monster threatens your party or to quickly regain aggro.
- Mantra: Useful on phases where you take a lot of damage, interesting coupled with Convalescence.
- Light Feet: Useful on phases where you take a lot of damage.
Spells to consider
- Second wind: A personal care that depends on your attack power, very useful in just or if your healers are struggling.
- Inner slack: Increases your critical chance and therefore potentially your damage, useful in just and viable in Group.
- Diligence: Useful on phases where you take a lot of damage.
Unnecessary spells
- Haymaker: Not really useful in your cycle and too random.
- Wild Blade: Not useful in your cycle.
The monk can use certain spells of the marauder and pole master.
The five best spells
- Motivation: You collect PT (technique points), very useful if you run out of it during a fight.
- Blood for blood: You hurt more but you take more damage, so be careful.
- Bloodbath: A source of personal care, useful in just but also in Group to spare your healers (especially if you are using Blood for Blood).
- Coup de grace: Interesting to finish a monster and recover life points, it is more excluding GCD.
- Fracture: Interesting in your cycle DPS.
Spells to consider
- Feint: Useful in just.
- Defensive Volley: Useful if an enemy is attacking you physically.
- Watchfulness: Useful on phases where you take a lot of damage.
Unnecessary spells
- Skullbreaker: You don't have to increase your enmity.
- Impulse: Useless in your cycle DPS.
Dragon Knight
Le dragon knight can use some spells of the marauder and pugilist.
The five best spells
- Inner slack: Increases your critical chance and therefore your DPS.
- Coup de grace: Interesting to finish a monster and recover life points, it is more excluding GCD.
- Bloodbath: A source of personal care, useful in just but also in Group to spare your healers (especially if you are using Blood for Blood).
- Mantra: Interesting paired with Blood for blood or when you take heavy damage.
- Second wind: A personal care that depends on your attack power, very useful in just or if your healers are struggling.
Spells to consider
- Watchfulness: Useful on phases where you take a lot of damage.
- Light Feet: Useful on phases where you take a lot of damage.
- Fracture: Interesting if you have a place in your cycle DPS.
Unnecessary spells
- Skullbreaker: You don't have to increase your enmity.
- Haymaker: Not really useful in your cycle and too random.
Le bard can use some spells of the pugilist and pole master.
The five best spells
- Inner slack: Increases your critical chance and therefore your DPS.
- Motivation: You collect PT (technique points), very useful if you run out of it during a fight.
- Blood for blood: You hurt more but you take more damage, so be careful.
- Mantra: Interesting paired with Blood for blood or when you take heavy damage.
- Second wind: A personal care that depends on your attack power, very useful in just or if your healers are struggling.
Spells to consider
- Light Feet: Useful on phases where you take a lot of damage.
- Defensive Volley: Useful if an enemy is attacking you physically.
Unnecessary spells
- Haymaker: Not really useful in your cycle and too random.
- Feint: Not really useful in your cycle.
As I stated in the introduction to this guide, these are just tips! You are free to play your job as you wish, and do not hesitate to tell me in the comments of the best choices!