Harvesting and Crafting classes have also received new actions and traits with Heavensward. Let's see what has been added!
- Nv.23 : Vision claire
- Lv. 24: Abundant Extraction
- Lv.50: Collector's Glove
- Lv.50: Methodical Assessment
- Lv.50: Shrewd Eye
- Lv. 51: Instinctive Assessment
- Lv. 51: Maximum Attention
- Lv. 52: Deep breathing
- Lv. 53: Impulsive Assessment
- Lv. 55: Highlander's Luck
- Lv. 57: Resolute Mind
- Lv. 58: Dredging
- Nv.59: Ultimate effort
- Nv.60: Dragage II
- Lv. 42: Grace of Nymeia
- Lv.50: Improved Stealth IV
- Lv. 53: Stone Lover V
- Lv. 53: Improved Stealth V
- Lv. 56: Improved Stealth VI
- Lv. 23: Floral Mastery
- Lv. 24: Bountiful Harvest
- Lv.50: Collector's Glove
- Lv.50: Methodical Assessment
- Lv.50: Shrewd Eye
- Lv. 51: Instinctive Assessment
- Lv. 51: Maximum Attention
- Lv. 52: Deep breathing
- Lv. 53: Impulsive Assessment
- Lv. 55: Trailblazer Luck
- Lv. 57: Resolute Mind
- Lv. 58: Pruning
- Nv.59: Ultimate effort
- Lv.60: Pruning II
- Lv. 42: Grace of Nymeia
- Lv.50: Improved Stealth IV
- Lv. 53: Tree Lover V
- Lv. 53: Improved Stealth V
- Lv. 56: Improved Stealth VI
- Lv.36: Casaquage
- Lv.50: Collector's Glove
- Nv.51 : Patience
- Lv. 51: Powerful Shoeing
- Lv. 54: Priming
- Lv. 56: Precise Shoeing
- Lv. 57: Fish Eyes
- Nv.60 : Patience II
- Lv.50: Improved Stealth IV
- Lv. 53: Fisherman of the Skies
- Lv. 53: Improved Stealth V
- Lv. 55: Eye of the Gull IV
- Lv. 55: Fisherman of the Underworld
- Lv. 56: Improved Stealth VI
- Lv. 58: Aether Fisherman
- Lv.60: Eye of the Gull V
- Lv.50 Collectible Synthesis
- Nv.51: Contenance de Byregot
- Lv. 53: Precise Touch
- Lv. 54: Wind Name
- Lv.60: Carpenter's Soul (Specialist)
- Lv.50: Collectable Synthesis
- Nv.51: Contenance de Byregot
- Lv. 53: Precise Touch
- Lv. 54: Name of fire
- Lv.60: Blacksmith's Soul (Specialist)
- Lv.50: Collectable Synthesis
- Nv.51: Contenance de Byregot
- Lv. 53: Precise Touch
- Lv. 54: Ice Name
- Lv.60: Armorer's Soul (Specialist)
- Lv.50: Collectable Synthesis
- Nv.51: Contenance de Byregot
- Lv. 53: Precise Touch
- Lv. 54: Manufacturer's mark
- Lv.60: Soul of a Goldsmith (Specialist)
- Lv.50: Collectable Synthesis
- Nv.51: Contenance de Byregot
- Lv. 53: Precise Touch
- Lv. 54: Earth Name
- Lv.60: Tanner's Soul (Specialist)
- Lv.50: Collectable Synthesis
- Nv.51: Contenance de Byregot
- Lv. 53: Precise Touch
- Lv. 54: Lightning Name
- Lv.60: Tailor's Soul (Specialist)
- Lv.50: Collectable Synthesis
- Nv.51: Contenance de Byregot
- Lv. 53: Precise Touch
- Lv. 54: Name of water
- Lv.60: Alchemist Soul (Specialist)
- Lv.50: Collectable Synthesis
- Nv.51: Contenance de Byregot
- Lv. 53: Precise Touch
- Lv. 54: Muscle memory
- Lv.60: Cook's Soul (Specialist)
The following actions can be used as a Talent:
- Carpenter Lv. 54: Wind Name
- Blacksmith Lv. 54: Fire Name
- Armorer Lv. 54: Name of Ice
- Goldsmith Lv. 54: Manufacturer's Mark
- Leatherworker Lv. 54: Earth Name
- Weaver Lv. 54: Name of Lightning
- Alchemist Lv. 54: Water name
- Cook Lv. 54: Muscle Memory
The following actions are common to all the disciplines of the Hand but are intended for Specialists.
- Nv.55: Satisfaction
- Lv. 55: Whistle while working
- Lv. 56: Innovative Touch
- Nv.57: Rouet de Nymeia
- Nv.58: Miracle de Byregot
- Nv.59: Main expert