After explaining the principles of craftsmanship, I invite you to discover how harvesting works and more specifically for Miners and Botanists.
Minors and Botanists both have a main tool and a secondary tool. The secondary tool allows you to harvest other resources compared to the main tool. Equipment is also important to improve your stats Collection, Discernment and increase your PR.
The harvest points are visible on the compass.
The PR are also important since it allows you to use your actions. These allow you, among other things:
- improve your harvesting abilities, your chances of obtaining High Quality items,
- increase your statistics,
- to go into stealth so as not to serve as a snack for the surrounding bestiary ... However, you will not be able to trigger stealth if you are already spotted by an enemy.
You also havea harvest log which looks like this:
At the top left you can select themain tool ou secondary of your class. Below you have the list of objects by level. When you select an object you can read where its harvest points are located. This information is now more precise: it indicates the zone then the closest place. By clicking on the name of the place the map opens. Then it's up to you to go there and find them!

Where am I ?
When you interact with the harvest point, a list of possible materials appears with various information:
- the name of the material;
- the percentage of success of the harvest and under it the percentage of possibility to obtain a High Quality item.
When you harvest for the first time an item its name is not displayed in the interface. You will only see your harvest success percentage. When you succeed the name of the object will appear.
Later, you will have the option to bring up another piece of information: what stats are required to improve your harvest rate.
Just like the other disciplines, you will have the possibility of doing mandates: an ideal way to gain experience and an additional bonus. During the mandates you will collect only the objects necessary for the realization of the latter.

Minor's mandate
You will also have the class quests:

First steps of a minor
There you have it, you know the basics of harvesting, now it's your turn to initiate yourself into these disciplines!