Final Fantasy XIV: ARR has many masters, whether it is for his class, his job or his profession, it is very easy to forget their location. Fortunately this guide is made to avoid getting lost for hours.
Disciples of War
- Gladiator
- Pugilist
- Marauder
- Pole master
- Archer
- Surineur
To become a Gladiator, you must go to the suburb of Thal in Ul'Dah to speak to master Mylla (09,12) who will teach you how to use your weapon.
At level 30, Mylla will give up the rest of your teaching to Jenlyns (10,11) who is also located in the suburb of Thal in Ul'Dah
To become a Pugilist, you have to go to the suburb of Nald in 'Ul'Dah to speak to master Hamon (09,10) who will teach you his techniques.
At level 30, Hamon will give the rest of your teaching to Erik (10,13) who is also located in the suburb of Nald in Ul'Dah.
To become a Marauder, you must go to Tillac de Limsa Lominsa to speak to Master Wyrnzoen (11,06) who will teach you how to handle the ax.
At level 30, Wyrnzoen will yield the rest of your teaching to Curious Gorge (30,22) which is located in Eastern Noscea.
To become a Polearm, you must go to Old Gridania to speak to Master Ywain (14,05) who will teach you how to use your weapon.
At level 30, Ywain will cede the rest of your teaching to Alberic (25,28) who is located in the Highlands of central Coerthas.
To become an Archer, you must go to the New Gridania to speak to Master Luciane (15,11) who will teach you the art of wielding a bow.
At level 30, Luciane will cede the rest of your teaching to Jehantel (21,21) who is located in the Southern Forest.
To become Surineur, you need a level 10 combat class and go to the Entrepont in Limsa Lominsa to talk to Lonwoerd (08,16) who will give you the quest First steps at the Surineurs Guild.
At level 30, Jacke will give up the rest of your teaching to Oboro which is located in Eastern Noscea (20, 26). You will also need to be a level 15 pugilist.
Disciples of Magic
- Elementalist
- Occultist
- Arcanists
To become an Elementalist, you must go to Old Gridania to speak to Master E-Sumi-Yan (06,10) who will teach you the art of calming spirits (and healing!)
At level 30, E-Sumi-Yan will hand over the rest of your teaching to Raya-O-Senna (18,27) who is located in the Southern Forest.
To become an Occultist, you must go to the suburb of Nald in Ul'Dah to speak to Master Cocobuki (06,12) who will teach you the handling of the occult forces.
At level 30, Cocobuki will cede the rest of your teaching to Kazagg Chah (27,21) who is located in eastern Thanalan.
To become an Arcanist, you must go to the Limsa Lominsa Entrepont to speak to Master Thubyrgeim (04,11) who will teach you much more than magic.
At level 30, Thubyrgeim will cede the rest of your healing education to Alka Zolka (11,06) who is located at Tillac de Limsa Lominsa
At level 30, Thubyrgeim will yield the rest of your damage teaching to Y'mhitra (10,06). This is located in Old Gridania.
Disciples of the Hand and the Earth
- Carpenter
- Forgeron
- Gunsmith
- Goldsmith
- Tanner
- Dressmaker
To become a Carpenter, you have to go to New Gridania to talk to Master Beatin (10,12) who will teach you how to make objects from wood.
To become a Blacksmith, you have to go to Tillac de Limsa Lominsa to speak to master Brithael (10,14) who will teach you everything there is to know about this art.
To become an Armorer, you must go to Tillac de Limsa Lominsa to speak to Master H'naanza (10,15) who will teach you how to make armor.
To become a Goldsmith, you must go to the suburb of Thal in Ul'Dah to speak to Master Serendipity (10,13) who will teach you how to make precious objects.
To become a Tanner, you have to go to Old Gridania to talk to Master Geva (12,07) who will teach you how to make items from all kinds of skins.
To become a Couturier, you have to go to the suburb of Thal in 'Ul'Dah to speak to master Rodelent Rose (14,13) who will teach you how to make beautiful outfits.
- Alchemist
- Cook
- minor
- Botanist
- Sinner
To become an Alchemist, you must go to the suburb of Thal in Ul'Dah to speak to Master Severian (09,13) who will teach you how to handle dangerous ingredients.
To become a Cook, you have to go to Tillac de Limsa Lominsa to speak to Master Lyngsath (10,08) who will teach you the art of cooking.
To become a Miner, you must go to the suburb of Thal in Ul'Dah to speak to master Adalberta (10,14) who will teach you how to collect minerals, reagents ...
To become a Botanist, you have to go to Old Gridania to speak to Master Fufucha (06,07) who will teach you about collecting while respecting nature.
To become a Fisherman, you must go to the Entrepont de Limsa Lominsa to speak to master Sisipu (07,14) who will teach you all about fish.
Summary by city
Now you should never get lost.