We know that 2.51 will be installed on the servers on Tuesday February 24 from 5:00 GMT to 10:XNUMX GMT with the addition of the Gold Saucer, but also the continuation of the quest for the Relic Weapon. Today we have received a set of images of the Gold Saucer!
Manderville Gold Saucer
Here is an overview of the gold saucer. You should know that, to have access, you will need to be at least level 15 and do a series of quests. It will also be necessary to think about going for the etherite as soon as we arrive for an easier return. Trial accounts will also have access to this part of the game! Good news !

Triple Triad
Here is the long awaited card game! Here we are a few days before its launch and the presentation of the rules was made during the letter from the producer Live to Tokaigi. There will be three different modes. After doing a tutorial, we will have access to:
- All on the table
- Identical
- Randomly choose cards from all those possessed
We will be able to face NPCs, but also players. 80 maps will be available for the release of Update 2.51.

Chocobo races
To have access to chocobo races, you will first have to go to the Brancharquée ranch and choose your chocobo. We will have the choice between a male and a female. Then you just have to go back to the Gold Saucer and go to the chocobo races. You should know that in the version that will be offered to us, we will not be a spectator, we will have to mount our chocobo, direct it and use a Boost. With each race, our chocobo will gain points and thus certain skills will increase!

Chocobo breeding
You have been assigned a new chocobo. Know that it is completely different from your companion chocobo. You will be able to name it from a predefined list of authorized names and combine two of these names. After having acquired his experience, with the races or with food, you will be able to retire him and thus make him mate with another chocobo. Their offspring will already have characteristics of the parents. You will thus be able to gain in power!

JACTA (Creative Random Fun Type Game)
The JACTAs are mini-games, inside the Gold Saucer, basically game hazards where all the players present in the Gold Saucer can participate. The JACTA presented to us is Where the wind blows. The players run around the room and, after a countdown, all the players stop moving, Typhon comes out of his hiding place and blows towards one direction. If you are not hit you win. you should know that everything is random in this mini-game. Other JACTAs will be presented at the exit of the Gold Saucer

Mini games
We will also be entitled to 4 Mini-games. They will allow you to have Gold Saucer points and are unrestricted for use! It will mainly be games of skill and reflex!

Cactpot Lottery
There are two versions of the lottery, a daily and a weekly. The weekly lottery draw will take place on weekends, if you withdraw your reward within 3 hours of the draw, you will win a bigger reward.

Gold Saucer Rewards
Here are some of the possible rewards that will be available to us upon exiting the Gold Saucer.