A new app for Final Fantasy fans is available! Available in English on iOS and Android for a few days, Final Fantasy Portal App is a compendium of the FF universe.
The home page is made up of a lot of information. We find the hot news scrolling at the top, then the highlighting of the application guide and the Triple Triad game.
Comes next :
- the list of news, the latest releases to the promotion of the moment of Final Fantasy games through the latest goodies released.
- FF Topics, highlighting important content.
- FF Apps, listing all Final Fantasy applications: all available games or Libra Eorzea for example.
- FF Videos, grouping together published videos such as trailers.
We are promised exclusive content through this app like "secret" information and unique videos.
Two menus are available: the first at the top left, "Games", grouping together all the available games of the franchise. The second menu at the bottom of the screen is made up of a few icons to facilitate navigation: Back (previous page), News, Exchange, Topics and Apps.
You can sign in to the app using your Square Enix account credentials. By logging in each day, you will accumulate points (by selecting "Get Points") that you can use via the "Exchange" menu. At the moment there are Triple Triad wallpapers and maps on offer. Points can also be obtained using the application (watch a video, read information, play Triple Triad ...)
The Triple Triad, a famous card game from Final Fantasy VIII and also found in Final Fantasy XIV, is playable for free via the FF Portal App. More than 300 cards are collectible and you will have the choice to face characters from Final Fantasy or to compete against other players.
To celebrate the launch of Final Fantasy Portal App, a special version of Final Fantasy I can be downloaded for free through the app. You can pick up the game for free until September 1, so don't delay!