Final Fantasy XIV will be present for the Tokyo Game Show, huge video game show which takes place on Japanese soil, from September 19 to 22.
Three events will be of particular interest:
- The LIVE letter from the producer: Naoki Yoshida will answer questions previously asked on the official forum (here) by players, they will concern the Bahamut Maze Crystal Tower, the wolves' den and residential areas.
- Titan's Challenge: Players will be able to challenge a special version of titan and try to win a Exclusive t-shirt !
- The Cactuar Lottery: Each time Titan is defeated in the show, a draw will be made to designate a world in which all players will be offered the item "cactuar earring", fingers crossed!

For more information, I invite you to read the official article below.
Official Lodestone item
Hear, hear, brave adventurers of Eorzea! FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn will be at the 2013 Tokyo Game Show!Those of you who make the trip and show up at the Square Enix booth will not only have the opportunity to try the game, but will also be able to witness the Producer's Letter LIVE live! Come many! Tokyo Game Show 2013 Dates Professional days (invitations only): Thursday, September 19, 10:00 am to 17:00 pm (local time).
Friday, September 20, 10:00 a.m. to 17:00 p.m. (local time). Public days: Saturday, September 21, from 10:00 a.m. to 17:00 p.m. (local time).
Sunday, September 22, from 10:00 a.m. to 17:00 p.m. (local time).
* Reception until 16:00 p.m. (local time). Place Makuhari Messe Official site Special Square Enix site for the Tokyo Game Show 2013 (Japanese)
FFXIV Events: ARR On the scene ! Letter from the Producer LIVE live from TGS 2013
Producer / director Naoki Yoshida will host this now traditional intervention during the two days open to the public! Saturday, September 21, from 12:00 (local time) Yoshi-P will share the latest news from Eorzea with you. Saturday, September 21, from 12:00 p.m. (local time) Producer / Director will respond to questions from players around the world that have been posted on the official forums Post your questions for the Live Letter to Makuhari
(* Due to the high attendance that we expect at the show and the limited space, not all visitors will be able to follow these events in good conditions.
Can't make it to the Tokyo Game Show? Do not be afraid ! You can follow the Producer's letter LIVE from home on the following channels:
Niconico Live (21.09) (
Niconico Live (22.09) ( In Eorzea! Titan's challenge
We have prepared a special Tokyo Game Show 2013 version for teams of 8 players of the fight against Titan, the Land Shaker. Participants who succeed in defeating the terrible Primordial within the allotted time will be offered a special T-shirt! The cactuar loterie
Whenever Titan bites the dust in the living room, we will do a toss to determine a World where all players will be given the "cactuar earring" item. So fight bravely to allow all those who cannot make the trip to the Tokyo Game Show to benefit from your heroism! * Due to the high traffic we anticipate at the show and limited space, not all visitors will be able to participate in the Titan Challenge.
We hope that many of you will come and see us at the Tokyo Game Show!
Too bad I can't go!