The live anniversary show has started since 5h00 this morning, a challenge particularly attracted me: it is that of obtaining 12 throwing in 14h. Let's see if the team of Square Enix will manage to collect all these throw who have given us so much trouble.
For that, here is live, and updated, each new atma found!
This morning 6H00 at home (yes yes I was standing), here is the team already on the war footing. Takai begins the challenge, well surrounded.
Let's see if there is an atma in his bags.
The first Atma is already present, so he begins the second zone.
6 45 pm - The live letter begins and we have to wait until the end to see if a new atma is present. The most curious will keep an eye on the live NicoNico dedicated to the Atma challenge.
10h 30 - End of the live letter as well as the presentation of the restaurant of Final Fantasy to return to the challenge. Obviously, I arrive when we feed our player. Let's see if he's well fed.
11h00 - The video starts again with a mystery guest, so we have to wait a little longer to find out where the challenge is.
12h00 - Finally the return to the challenge, ahah so let's look!
Put food down again, but he does not stop eating if this continues he will not have all of his atmas ....
12h05 - Finally back to the game - Entered the Estival orchard area, here is the ALEA of the event. I notice that there is already 5 Throwing in his bags ...
12h08 - The 6th has just fallen! Opening the bag for verification.
12h10 - Departure to a new area
12h30 - I also have to eat and the antenna is given again for a new event: the launch of the FFXIV Channel.
12h45 - Gift of a hat for the 6th atma
14h20 - Review of the challenge, lunch break and installation of a nice patch on the forehead to continue this challenge.
14h-22 - Let's see if new atmas are present in the bags ... and well not always 6 ^^
15h03 - A new atma arrives in the bags finally the 7th
15h04 - verification of the number of Alea to arrive at this figure - 198
15h05 - catering to regain strength but not just anything: Here are scorpions !!!
15h30 - we see if something has been happening for 30 minutes, unfortunately still nothing new
15h45 - Support cross
17h 30 - return to the challenge, well there are only 8 atmas, it will be hot to finish before 2 hours.
17h58 - Finally the ninth atma - phew
A well-deserved pose
18h17 - And hop a tenth in your pocket more than two.
and a pick-me-up to finish
18h26 - but what luck the eleventh .. last straight line
gift for the eleventh
19h05 - Always at 11
20h23 - just unsuccessful end of the Challenge program 11 throwing gathered in 14h.