The weekend is over, the FFXIV team is back in service on the official beta forum! To give a dose to the players in need, Yoshi posted some screenshots. He specifies that the visible "DPS-meter" is only a debugging tool.
Combat requiring a complete game, that is to say 8 players. You will go through this during the second half of the main storyline. We see the Scholar and the Summoner almost hidden in the company of Garuda.
Difficult dungeon for a small team (4 players) for those who have finished the main story. This dungeon is full of mechanics that were impossible to implement in V1. The strange wall will seem familiar to fans of the Final Fantasy saga.
And we end up on Garuda as a big team. Combat is quite similar to V1, but small changes have been made.
Some feedback on the last beta:
- The Free Company crests will be available when your Company has enough points to unlock this feature. You will have the possibility to modify it at any time. After the official release, new additions to the coat of arms will be implemented.
- There is currently no text command to invite a player to a Linkshell or Free Company but this is under study.
- It will be possible to switch to first-person view after using the emote / sit.
- High level harvest points will be available in phase 4.
- You will be able to select the language spoken in the cutscenes. This will be an in-game option (which means that if the spanish dubbing is not to your liking, you are free to play the voices in Japanese).
- Official Beta Forum
- Thanks to the wonderful Mab 'for translating the posts into Japanese.