With the upcoming arrival of 3.3, new land and a price adjustment for houses will be made.
Addition of new lands
New residential sectors will be added for the three large Eorzean cities. Currently there are 8 sectors for each region.
As of Update 3.3, there will be 4 additional sectors per region, for a total of 12 sectors. The latter will also have directly available ancillary sectors.
Price adjustment
Currently, prices were different depending on the server group. Prices can range from single to double depending on the server you are on compared to another. Starting with update 3.3, all prices will be harmonized and will also be reduced.

However, several things should be noted:
Land whose price has not reached the minimum value
- If cheaper than the new price:
- Price maintained before 3.3
- If more expensive than the new price:
- Adjustment to new price
Land whose price has reached the minimum value
- If cheaper than the new price:
- Price maintained before 3.3
- If more expensive than the new price:
- Decrease to the new minimum value
What do you think of the adjustments made to the accommodation?