Khenarthi's Perch is a small island located south of the coast of Elsweyr. Mainly inhabited by Khajiit, the island is named after the Khajiit deity of sky and time, represented by a falcon. The latter is generally revered by sailors and farmers who are numerous to live there as evidenced by the many farms of Sucrelune and the commercial port of Mistral.
Khenarthi Roost is a very small area belonging to the Aldmeri Estate and is accessible, for each faction, at the following levels:
- Domaine Aldmeri: Level 4 to 6 zone.
- The Daggerfall Alliance: Accessible via the Cadwell Silver Almanac.
- Ebonheart Pact: Accessible via l'almanach d'or de Cadwell.
The area has many places to explore.
- Cities
- Notable places
- Points of interest
- Other sites
- Oratories
- Main city: Mistral.
- The Eagle Strait.
- The Troussevent plantation.
- The Rious Moon plantation.
- Planting the Speckled Shell.
- Bolga Hunting Camp.
- The Temple of the Black Moon.
- The Comfort of Rid-Thar.
- The Temple of the Crescent Moons.
- The Temple of the Dance of the Two Moons.
- The Hazak Basin.
- The Surf of the Widows.
- The Quai de l'Oeil-de-Chat.
- The Mistral Oratory.
- Khenarthi's Perch Oratory.
Heavenly Shards
The area also includes six celestial shards. Here are the clues to find them.
- Khenarthi's Celestial Shard Hunter
- Exposed to the sky, to watch over the strait.
- The secret gem of the southern temple.
- Wooden bones, drowned in the ruin.
- Abandoned before mourning.
- Watched over by Mistral snakes.
- Rodents must nest nearby.
If you can't find them, here is the map of the places where they are located.
Khenarthi Sky Shards Map
- Located atop a tower in the Eagle Strait.
- Located behind the Temple of the Crescent Moons.
- Located on a small island west of the Temple of the Black Moon.
- Located next to a ruin before the entrance to the Temple des Sources du Deuil.
- Located behind a house in Mistral.
- Located at the foot of the cliff to the west of the Bolga Hunting Camp.
The successes and the catch
Several achievements can be unlocked in the area.
Exploration - 2 achievements
- Skouma is bitter
- intervene in all situations of skouma abuse on Khenarthi's Perch.
- Stop the Speckled Shell.
- Stop Hasak.
- intervene in all situations of skouma abuse on Khenarthi's Perch.
- They're going to need a bigger belly
- Getting killed by predatory fish.
- note: this achievement can be achieved in any zone.
- Getting killed by predatory fish.
Quests - 1 achievements
- Bane of the Maormer Invasion
- Prevent the Maormers from summoning a thunderstorm to destroy Khenarthi's roost.
Fishing - 1 success
- Khenarthi Roost Fisherman
- Catch a Pyandonean ray at Khenarthi's perch.
- Pyandonean ray - Salt water.
- Catch a Pyandonean ray at Khenarthi's perch.