While the TESO community is barely being founded, guilds are already getting organized and, contrary to my habit of neutrality on this subject, I wanted to make an exception and present you this first listed in the guild directory, Utopia.
It must be said that this is not always the first!
I therefore give the floor to Absolute-Zer0, one of its members:
Hello everyone.
From the forges of Ogrimar to the mystical Aldmeri estates, Tamriel is the immense playground that Bethesda offers us to explore ... for the first time in multiplayer.
And as in any self-respecting MMO, the key is mutual aid!
This is why we want to present Utopia to you: http://www.guilde-utopia.com/
The Utopia guild seeks to bring together motivated players in order to start in the game with the best possible bases, an already formed community, and a maximum of knowledge about the game. The organization is being set up with respect for the free expression of players, according to a simple hierarchy and offering possibilities of evolution, in accordance with what is known about the future guild mechanics in play.
For the sake of maturity and availability, recruitment targets adults, we invite you to join us on our forum.
Of course the guild emphasizes originality with the organization of many events, a network of members on several other games, and already a Youtube channel with a first explanatory video on the PvP system as you have seen (soon followed by PvE and others with more and more content).
Tamriel will open its doors to you, Utopia opens its arms to you.
You will also have more details on the guild file, in the directory, with the guild charter. Good luck to Utopia which therefore lays the first stone of the future spanish community on TESO. And you, are you also waiting for TESO on a firm footing? Has your guild already decided to go check it out?