Hear! Hear! Orcs, Bretons, Nords and other races of Tamriel (yes, even the Elves and the Imperials), on the occasion of the release of The Elder Scrolls Online, the Guild Dae Galad will organize its now famous Bureau of Information; the first session will take place every night of the week, from April 4 to 11, 2014, from 20 p.m. to 22 p.m. minimum !
The kesako intelligence office?
The Board is made up of players who had the chance to explore TESO before its official release, which gave them some knowledge of the game and its mechanics, its objective is to allow all new players not yet completely familiar with the games. game mechanics to have a place in the game to request more information (hence the name) on said mechanisms.
We will answer your questions about crafting, exploration, rvr, pve, gameplay, skills and even guinea pig song, and all in a good mood. A mumble will be set up to welcome players with questions to ask and our various members will be scattered between the three factions of the game so as to be able to answer as many people as possible.
The goal being to help get started with the game, and to stay in tune with the roleplay aspect of the game, we will avoid answering questions relating to quest solutions.
If you too have a good knowledge of game mechanics and would like to share your knowledge by helping new players, do not hesitate to contact us to be part of the adventure.
There are several ways to ask your questions and follow the Information Office:
- in-game directly, you can contact the people who run ads.
- on Twitter: @DaeGalad, with the Hash-tag #Bureaudesralités
- on Twitch
- or join them on mumble
A very nice initiative, which will certainly meet with success, in any case that is all we wish for them.