Almost every day, Zenimax reveals to us a little more about the adventure zones, in particular the first, Raidelorn, and the content that will be offered to us. Today it is the turn of the famous events to unveil a little, these 12-player adventures. And we must admit that in this new article, Zenimax is making efforts to make our mouths water.
I'll leave it to you to read the article in detail, but here is a summary of what we learn from reading it:
- After numerous tests by a dedicated team, the number of 12 participants has been fixed. It corresponds to a good balance between a sufficiently large group and readable action on the screen.
- The trials represent a sizeable challenge with particularly high difficulty. Besides the tough fights, the limited kill count as well as the time targets will put you to the test.
- The fights will be the most difficult in the game. They require you to adapt your skills, sometimes to be able to inflict a significant amount of damage, sometimes to take it.
- In several places, the groups can be separated, either to accomplish several objectives simultaneously, or to advance more quickly.
- Besides the bosses, there will also be special enemies, the "standard bearers", easily recognizable and who will also require an adapted strategy.
- The trials will take us to some of the most beautiful places in Tamriel (note: be careful not to fall in awe of the scenery during a fight).
- A new element will also be presented during this update: the death recap. When you die, whether in an event or outside, you will see a screen appear giving you interesting information on the damage suffered as well as advice adapted to your specific case. It will be particularly useful during the tests.
- There will be no lock-in time on the events, so you can return to them in abundance.
- You will receive rewards throughout the event.
- There will be 4 bosses per event.
- The best gear, which will appear on the end boss, can only be earned once a week.
- The 100 best times of the week will earn another item, chosen at random from the available trial rewards.
- There is no time limit to finish an event. However, you can reach the maximum number of resurrections in which case you will have to start over.
- With a little practice, it takes about 1 hour to finish a test.
And best of all, here's a video on this new content: