Already 3 weeks that we can go through Tamriel, 3 weeks that budding developers publish tons of more or less useful Add-ons which improve (or not) the gaming experience. With a little hindsight and a little Forty hours of play on the clock, I come back to you for a 3rd selection of Add-ons which, I hope, you will like. For this 3rd issue, I took into account your various feedbacks and I adapted as best I could to find Add-ons which know how to remain discreet and which do little harm to the immersion of the game.
- Slightly Improved Experience Bar : I saw quite a few people on Zone's chat asking if an extension existed to see its experience bar all the time, so I went to inquire and saw Slightly Improved Experience Bar, an extension that takes up to the pixel the experience bar visible in the menu but displays it more or less transparently according to your wishes. It can also display experience points gained, experience required, and level percentage.
- Wykkyd's Quest Tools (requires the Wykkyd's Framework): in a previous selection, I recommended MQT, but this new Wykkyd Add-On turns out to be much more complete and customizable than Multi-Quest Tracker. No need to open the quest log, everything is available from this extension with a few very simple commands (a left click puts the quest in the foreground, a right click shares the quest and the wheel click allows you to abandon the quest).
- ZAM UnitFrames + ReactionColors : the basic interface of TESO is not unanimous, some like it, others absolutely do not hook, but the latter do not hook either FTC (which I advised in the 1st selection, not perfect, but much more precise than the basic UI) nor to WarLegends HUD. ZAM has therefore made available an interface that should satisfy a few. Prettier than FTC, also more customizable, the ZAM interface knows how to remain discreet as long as we take a little time to configure it. The ReactionColors is also very useful and allows you to know, thanks to the game pointer, what you are rubbing against (the viewfinder changes according to the hostility of the enemies and their level).
- Dialog Tweaks : available since the beta, I realized that I had not yet mentioned Dialog Tweaks, a very simple extension which adds numbers next to the dialogues of the characters and allows to answer thanks to the keys 1/2/3 of the numeric keypad. It's not much, but it works very well.
- FreeSlots : a very discreet extension that adds a small window that lets you know how many places are left in your inventory. It's always good to keep an eye on the condition of your bag.
I'm going to talk about two add-ons that are a little apart and which, unlike the other expansions presented in this issue, are intended to greatly simplify the task of players. As always, I would like to remind you that you are free or not to install these Add-ons, and that you are required to respect all players, even if you are not for this kind of extension.
- HarvestMap (EsoheadMarkers) : in the previous issue, I was talking aboutEsoHead, which was not compatible with the spanish client, and which therefore forced players to play in English, or to ignore this Add-on. HarvestMap is compatible with the spanish client and allows you to display on the map and the compass the chests, runes, plants, ores that you have already discovered during your various trips in Tamriel. Although initially independent, the latter can use Esohead thanks to the / import command to display everything that is in the database ofEsohead.
- SkyShards : the name is quite clear, SkyShards will allow you to display on the world map the various celestial shards discovered or not. It works like the zone system. Black: not yet discovered. White: you have already recovered the glow.
Are you going to fall for some extensions?