The Elder Scrolls Online team tells us this time that during the night of Monday to next Tuesday, during the usual maintenance period, a new version of the game will be put in place. day will bring several important improvements and fixes:
Alliance war
- Implemented memory fixes, which will improve performance (by decreasing latency) in Cyrodiil.
- Resolved an issue with spikes : You will no longer be immune to siege damage.
- Fixed an issue where some container rewards received via email from non-veteran rank characters contained items with no level or icon.
Black blade
- Catalyste : The bonus of this passive skill has been improved by 15% for Rank I and 30% for Rank II.
- Path of shadows : The damage of this skill has been slightly improved.
- Blade veil : This skill now allows critical hits.
- Piercing strikes : Reduced the overall cooldown counted after using this skill, and slightly increased the skill's resource cost. This change affects Piercing Strikes and all of its morphs.
- Fixed an issue with treasure chests so that they can now be looted by more than one party member before disappearing.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in some people getting stuck on the login screen or character select screen for an extended period of time after crashing.
- Graphics: We implemented a fix for those who could not see ghosts using DX9 after update 1.1.2. However, we recommend that you use DX11 unless you are playing Windows XP.
- Fixed an issue where some recovered books would disappear or get replaced when using an Oratory or relaunching the game.
Note also that the team still has in mind other improvements and fixes concerning the skill lines. The coming weeks should tell us more when these changes are confirmed.