Version 1.1.3 was released yesterday and brings several changes, especially in terms of balancing. So here are the patch notes:
Alliance war
- Implemented memory fixes, which will improve performance (by decreasing latency) in Cyrodiil.
- Addressed an issue with Spikes where you will no longer be immune to siege damage.
- Fixed an issue where some container rewards received via email from non-veteran rank characters contained items with no level or icon.
Combat and Gameplay
- Vampire Black Blades can no longer stealth and feed on bosses during combat.
- Reduced Ultimate gain on all critical hits from 3 to 1.
Dragon knight
- Earthly heart
- Magma Armor: Reduced the duration of this skill.
- Fire attacks
- Standard of Might: Reduced the damage bonus and damage reduction of this skill.
Black blade
Note: The changes to the Black Blade are a work in progress and more changes will be made in the weeks to come.
- Ombre
- Path of Shadows: The damage of this skill has been increased.
- Blade Veil: This skill can now critically hit.
- siphon
- Catalyst: Increased the effectiveness of this skill to a higher percentage.
- Illuminated recovery
- Radiant Aura: Addressed an issue where this skill could prevent you from switching weapon sets.
- Aedric spear
- Piercing Strikes: Reduced the overall cooldown of this skill and slightly increased the cost.
Healing stick
- Spirit Siphon: This skill no longer generates Ultimate. This is a temporary fix until we can fix the issue that causes this skill to generate more Ultimate than intended.
Dungeons and groups
- Tressefuseau
- The boss of Braid-Braid will now correctly reset if it gets stuck in the environment.
- Volenfell
- Guardian Centurions will now reset if they get stuck.
- Fixed an issue with treasure chests so that they can now be looted by more than one party member before disappearing.
Exploration and quests
- Fixed an issue where some recovered books would disappear or get replaced when using an Oratory or relaunching the game.
- Healing Mage Set Bonus: Reduced weapon damage debuff.
Main quest
- Daughter of Giants: Fixed an issue where you could no longer interact with the ax.
- Valley of Blades: Monsters in the "Defend the Ancestral Crypt" event will no longer be blocked, preventing the quest from continuing.
Warriors Guild
- The Prismatic Core: Aelif and Merric will no longer chat indefinitely, making it impossible to complete the "Talk to Merric" quest step.
- Barriers Fall: Fixed an issue where the talisman could no longer be used on wards.
Bal Foyen
- The tide is turning: Captain Rana will no longer stand idly by.
Graht wood
- Insane: You will no longer get stuck after entering the Cathedral.
- The Innkeeper's Daughter: Nellor is now at her quest marker, and the letter no longer appears inside a crate.
- Sadal's Last Defeat: If Ashwalker gets stuck, she will now reset much faster, so you can find her at the quest marker.
- Snow and Flame: The Thane Merra Darkshore now appears correctly.
- Trials of the Holy Scales: You can now converse with NPCs to advance the quest after the duel.
- The Liberation of Pointe-Nord: You can now interact with Skordo in the quest step “Talk to Skordo”.
- Rallying cry: Shaza won't go unanswered anymore.
- Cliffs of Disaster: Fixed an issue where seeds used on monsters turned to ash were not granting you the correct reward.
Malabal Tor
- Ruins of Abamath: Decreased the difficulty of Arithiel, Cassia Varo, and Igozai.
March of the Camarde
- Rat Problems: You can now fall into the well with no worries.
- The Illuminated Path: If the Green Lady or the Silvenar get stuck, they will now reset and the event will continue.
- Cult of Rift-Dawn: Monsters now spawn when told to defend Telenger.
- Thizrinni Arena: Creditors will no longer stand idly by if you have lost a fight for them.
- Shadows of Corruption: It is now easier to find Indaenir.
- Reclaiming the Pass: This quest has been reworked to improve stability, and quest markers have been added.
Client MAC
- Fixed an issue that caused garbled textures.
- Resolved an issue where switching from full screen to windowed mode did not work correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the game would sometimes crash when logged in.
- We implemented a fix for those who could not see ghosts using DX9 after update 1.1.2. However, we recommend that you use DX11 unless you are playing Windows XP.
- Fixed an issue where you could fall across the world at Pointe d'Arquevent in the Breach.
Now let's move on to the explanations of these patch notes, many of which originate from the English-speaking forums. Apart from the traditional bug fixing, Zenimax proceeded to a new rebalancing of the classes, more important than before.
First, Dragon Knights see two of their ultimate spells lowered:
- The Standard of Might has its damage reduction taken and its damage inflicted increase from 40% to 20%.
- Magma Armor has its duration reduced from 12 seconds to 9 seconds.
The main purpose of this change is to counter certain character models that were able to do veteran level dungeons on their own and also to limit groups for raidelorn events made up almost exclusively of dragon knights.
The Templars see their piercing strikes rebalanced following patch 1.1.2 which made this skill almost unusable. As a reminder, a cooldown was implemented in 1.1.2 to counter bots (robots).
Finally, the lamenoires continue their slow recovery towards equilibrium with the other classes:
- The damage of Shadow Path and its morphs has been increased.
- Blade Veil: This ultimate now allows critical hits.
- The catalyst passive (which increases the effectiveness of potions) has been increased to 15% and 30% from 10% and 20% previously.
Finally, very important information, the generation of ultimates on critical hits has been reduced from 3 to 1. Here again, it is a matter of fighting against certain feats that can be achieved with the staff of destruction and the impulse spell. A character in light armor can easily achieve between 40% and 50% magic crit rate which, coupled with an area of effect (AoE) attack, allowed for a generation of ultts considered too fast.
There is still a lot of discussion going on in the English speaking forum about class balancing, the main topic at the moment being the high prominence of magic-oriented characters over those using vigor.
And you, what do you think of these changes?