If you have purchased the Imperial Edition of the game (collector's edition), and have correctly applied the code to your account, you should be able to choose any race from creation for any alliance. Once in game, you should receive a message that contains Mara's Oath.
But the horse is not tied. So, when you finish the tutorial and arrive in the first city, you immediately ask yourself the first question: and where is my horse ?! If you had read the email sent above, you would know ... but I am the first not to have read it, rushing into the adventure, and to ask myself this question. It is therefore necessary to go to a Master of the stables. At the end of the tutorial, open your map (M) and identify the little horse head. In the case of Daggerfall, there is one to the south and north.
I am right next to the south stable. There, we find our horse for 1 gp (a ridiculous amount, I had 10 gp at the end of the tutorial before not having sold any of the recovered objects).
Once his horse is acquired, the default key to summon and revoke him is (H). Remember that you can then change the shortcuts from the settings (Esc) in order to put a shortcut that suits you better.
Note that it seems that these bonuses were mistakenly distributed in advance. But it doesn't matter, you might as well take advantage of it as you can access it!
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We are aware that certain bonuses related to the Imperial Edition and the Standard Edition were distributed in advance in error.
If you notice that a bonus related to your Standard or Imperial Edition was missing, be sure to return to your dealer from 4.4.14 to pick up your game box. Then enter the codes you will find in the box for be sure to receive all the bonuses of your Imperial and Standard Edition.
See you in Tamriel!