Since update 1.6 and the change of economy model, the mount system has been changed.
In The Elder Scrolls Online, mounts are all horses (until further notice anyway) but they serve three purposes: running speed, stamina (sprint duration) and carrying capacity.
Characteristics of Horses
Each horse has initial characteristics, which may increase subsequently:
- La running speed, expressed as a percentage, it corresponds to the gain in running speed compared to a run without a horse.
- l'endurance, expressed in points of vigor, which allows galloping longer but also increases the resistance of the horse in order to be thrown less easily
- La transport capacity, expressed in number of slots, which increases the capacity of your character's inventory
Buy horses
In order to get a horse, you will need to visit a stable, which can be found in every city, in PvE, or at the base camp in Cyrodiil.
It exists 4 horses by default, a fifth "the imperial horse" if you have bought the "Imperial" version by TESO and a sixth "the Palomino horse", purchasable in the in-game store.
Le Common Horse (17200in) the Imperial Horse (1in) and the Palomino horse (1in) share the same basic characteristics. The characteristics are:
- 15% speed bonus
- 10 stamina
- 0 transport capacity
Le Draft Horse (42700gp), optimized for transport capacity has the following characteristics:
- 15% speed bonus
- 10 stamina
- 10 transport capacities
Le Allure Horse (42700gp) is naturally enduring but does not run particularly fast, but can gallop longer. It is also not equipped by default to transport resources.
- 15% speed bonus
- 20 stamina
- 0 transport capacity
Le Light horse (42700gp) is speed-optimized, it will be very useful for shortening distances in Cyrodiil and outrunning enemies quickly, but its default stamina is medium and its carry capacity is zero
- 25% speed bonus
- 10 stamina
- 0 transport capacity
It is possible to own several horses. For this you have to pay to obtain an additional horse location (10in for a second horse, 100in for a third ...) Subsequently, the switch from one active horse to another takes place exclusively in a stable via the mount management interface (via the groom NPC)
Warning, only the bonuses of the active horse apply to your character. ex: if you switch from a horse with a transport capacity of 15 to a horse with a capacity of 0, you will lose 15 inventory slots.
Improve your mount
It is possible, via the stables, to develop his (or her) horse (s) once every 20 hours (per horse). The cost of the evolutions is each time 250g for 1 point (1% speed, 1 stamina, or 1 inventory slot)
In order to increase the speed of a horse, it will need to be fed apples. If you want to increase his stamina, it will be hay, and the transport capacity of theoat. Please note, there is currently no confirmation window, the purchase is immediate so do not be mistaken otherwise it is cooked for 20 p.m. ...
On the same interface, you can choose to switch between horses that you have in the stable to replace the active horse. You can also rename your active horse, or resell your horses.
How many frames do you plan to buy? What little names are you going to give them?
updated on 02/12/2014