Matt Firor recently returned to the state of play and what to expect in the coming weeks.
If you don't feel like reading it all, here's a summary of what to remember:
- The team will be at QuakeCon in Dallas from July 17 to 20, including a conference on Friday the 17th with Paul Sage, which will be broadcast on Twitch.
- The European megaserver is expected to open the last week of July or the first week of August.
- Announcements will be made at QuakeCon to resolve the issue of veteran mode. Adjustments have already been made recently. In all, 3 phases are planned.
Phases for improving veteran mode
- Phase 1: Make the difficulty in the Veteran areas increase slowly, and rarely exceed what a good single player is capable of. This change was implemented on public servers on July 7th. When you read these lines, you should be able to play in the Veteran zones just as you had played in the level 1-50 zones.
- Phase 2: Eliminate the Veteran point system and let normal experience gain drive Veteran progression. We will also be increasing the experience gained in PvP. This will be done in the course of the summer, when we put the new system in place.
- Phase 3: Introduce a whole new Veteran system, based on a different way of customization and development. We will talk about it again in the near future, especially during the Quakecon. Rest assured that we will be making some much needed changes to PvE beyond level 50.
- The next update, called La Fête des Guildes internally, brings in a number of improvements to character and guild customization.
3 update
- Management: The guild leader can create, delete and promote ranks within the guild, and guilds can have up to ten hierarchy levels, each with its own icon.
- Bank: Guild leaders can set up privileges to allow members to withdraw gold from the guild bank according to their rank.
- Store Upgrades: Any member of your alliance can browse your guild store inventory in Cyrodiil if your guild has a stronghold.
- Merchants: The Gold Coast Merchant Company will be establishing kiosks in all towns of Tamriel. Their shopkeepers can hire their services on a weekly basis (through an auction system) to serve as a portal to that guild's store, which will then be accessible to all players who are members of the same alliance as that guild. Auctions use a blind system, and are held once a week for each merchant.
- Heraldry: Guild leaders can design their guild's crest if it has 10 or more members. Each guild member can buy and wear a tabard in the guild colors. There are 250 colors, 63 backgrounds and 136 badges to combine to form your guild's crest.
In addition, it gives us leads on the future for:
- archetypes and balancing
- improving rewards to be more in line with the effort required to obtain them
- more different appearances for the armor and in particular the arrival of the dye
- correction and adjustment of systems to provide more fun and addictive combat
In conclusion, the studio director shares with us some screenshots from an internal competition to test the possibilities of the dye system.