As we expected, the last few weeks have been dedicated to the Alliance War. We got a glimpse of the Emperor's armor, Cyrodiil Fortresses, and answers to many questions (Elite Jerks and JeuxOnline). In order to conclude as it should all these revelations, a long article on the official site gives some new answers and takes again questions already addressed. Summary !
Area and movements
- Cyrodiil is a very large area (at least 30 minutes north to south on foot) and dangerous.
- There is a bottleneck between each of the three territories of Cyrodiil.
- It is possible to see the travel networks of each Alliance on the map.
A capacity temporarily increases the movement speed of the group.
- Le cheval is a quick way to get around.
- Des fast lanes are available from forts our Alliance controls, in order to quickly reach the front lines.
- It is possible to attack at any time.
- Taking control of an undefended fortress takes around 15 minutes, with a ram and 3 groups of players.
- A fortress is still defended by guards non-players.
- Each resource improves a specific point:
- farm = guard (improved skills)
- enamel = wall (hit points)
- sawmill = door (hit points)
- These resources are relatives (less than 60 seconds on foot) from the fortresses.
- When losing a resource, the loss of the advantage is progressive.
- Des bonus are granted to alliances controlling fortresses.
- It is possible to block teleportation points in :
- capturing the fort.
- capturing all 3 resources around.
- damaging the fort.
Siege weapons
- They can be deployed anywhere in flat terrain.
- We cannot place rams in a fortress our Alliance controls.
- When deploying, a red circle indicates that there is not enough room.
- Most can target whatever, with more or less efficiency.
- Le Aries can only attack one doors.
- The encampments allow allies to resurrect.
- The trebuchets are effective against walls.
- The triggerfish are useful for destroying other siege weapons.
- The catapults are effective for covering a large area, damage to property or enemies.
- L'flaming oil is used by the defenders primarily to stop the action of the ram on its doors.
- There are 50 PvP levels.
- There is 25 securities et grids.
- We earn more Alliance points by killing characters high in the hierarchy.
- We do not gain less by killing players of lower ranks.
- All characters have their chance in Cyrodiil.
- The duels also have their place in the area.
- The stealth characters can spy and murder in all 5 cities, at the terminus of transport lines or at bottlenecks between alliances.
- It is possible to activate or not thename display for oneself, its allies and its enemies.
- Le grade of an enemy player is symbolized next to their name.
- It is possible to display up to 23 other players belonging to his raid group (of 24 players).
- Le change of weapon is very fast but not instantaneous.
- It is possible to change weapons at level 15.
- Des disguises do not grant any benefit.
- Any interaction with a Scroll of the Ancients is publicly announced. The bearer of a Scroll is visible on the card.
- One player stays emperor as long as his alliance controls at least one of the six fortresses surrounding the Imperial City.
- If the emperor changes campaign, he loses the Throne.
- The raiding groups are 24 players.
- Assignment to a campaign is automatic when creating the character.
- You can reach Cyrodiil at 10 level.
- The Waiting lines may appear to ensure a balance between alliances.
- It is possible to join a other campaign by invitation, via a friend or via a player in his group.
- Its original campaign can be modified but in a limited way.
- After one disconnection, the character has a little time to reconnect and join his friends.
There you have it, you know everything! We rest a few days and we find ourselves at the resumption of activities at the beginning of January for this great year 2014 for TESO!