In exclusivity, we had the opportunity to ask many questions of Zenimax in relation to the recent revelations concerning the progression of the characters. Here is a preview of some answers, the rest will be published in the traditional questions and answers at the beginning of next week.
- spanish
- English
Do you plan to add new skill paths, like weapons, races, or even classes? Or is it too difficult to contemplate, at least in the short term?
When we set up our current skills system, our aim was to maintain a high degree of flexibility. We plan to add skill lines that you can get through various activities around the world.
Will there be specific activities providing more experience than others?
Initially, questing and exploring will be the primary means of gaining experience. Participating in PvP and exploring dungeons will also offer XP, but since the number of monsters and players may vary, these activities may be slower or slower depending on the circumstances. We hope you touch on a wide variety of activities and enjoy the journey while exploring Tamriel.
Do attribute points (health, magic and stamina) only affect gauges (health points, mana and stamina) or also other statistics (like resistances, speed, etc)?
Yes. Your characteristic points will affect other stats. Some will be on display, but others will be more behind the scenes. As an example, the amount of magic affects not only the number of spells you can cast, but also their overall effectiveness.
Why did you choose to put character levels, when we also have levels for the skill lines?
Levels are a powerful tool for understanding your character's evolution and communicating your approximate power level to others. If you want to see how strong you got, compared to where you were, level is a quick and easy way to estimate it. The same method allows others to recognize your power level. Levels are also a standard of the Elder Scrolls license, which contributed to our choice to keep them.
How does the choice of race impact the character? Will racial skills play an important role in character progression?
The choice of race opens up a line of unique racial skills. They will undoubtedly have an impact on the progression of the character.
Do you plan to add new armor skill lines, weapon skill lines, races, or even classes? Or is that too difficult to even consider in the foreseeable future?
As we settled into our current skill system, our goal was to maintain a great deal of flexibility. We plan to dynamically add skill lines that you can obtain through various activities in the world.
Will there be specific activities that provide more XP than others?
Initially, questing and exploration will be your most certain methods of gaining experience. Participating in PvP and exploring dungeons will grant XP as well, but because the amount of monsters and players will vary, these activities may be slower or faster depending on the circumstances. Our hope is that you’ll try a variety of activities and enjoy the journey as you explore Tamriel.
Do attribute points (health, magicka, stamina) affect more than just HP and your magicka or stamina pool (like resistances, speed, etc.)?
Yes. Your attribute points will affect certain other stats. Some of these will be exposed, but others will be more behind the scenes. As an example, magicka affects not just how many spells you can cast, but their overall efficacy as well.
Why did you choose to put character levels in, considering there are also skill line levels?
Levels are a powerful tool for understanding growth and communicating your approximate power level to others. When you want to see how strong you’ve become compared to how you used to be, a level is a quick, easy way to see a measure of it. That same method allows others to recognize your level of power. Leveling is also an Elder Scrolls standard, which contributed to keeping it.
How will the choice of race impact a character? Will the racial skills play an important role in character progression?
Choosing your race opens up a unique racial skill line to you. They’ll definitely have an impact on character progression.