After talking about the factions and then a bit of everything, the questions / answers return for a second time to the subject of combat.
I invite you to read the entire article for all the answers but here is a summary of the information given:
- the type of armor worn will be guessed by the eye with experience
- no ammunition management
- movement is possible during loading with a powerful blow
- class spells have a range independent of the equipped weapon
- one shortcut bar per weapon (primary and secondary)
- 6 abilities per shortcut bar
- in stealth, the reticle becomes an eye which indicates the level of camouflage (from closed = hidden to open = detected)
- stealth attack gives a bonus to the first attack
- disguise possible to become neutral with respect to hostile monsters (same functioning as stealth)
- when you unlock a skill, you have an overview of all spells and passive effects
- not all skills are unlocked at the start
- Alliance points (PvP) are also earned by healing
- attacks don't just do damage (utility side)
- blocking is possible with all weapons even if the shield is the most effective
- blockage mitigates damage and depends on vigor
- it will be possible to interrupt some spells
- only magic and physical projectiles can be blocked, other magic spells cannot be blocked
- vigor gets you out of most crowd controls
Finally, it is here recalled, it will not be necessary to know the Elder Scrolls license to be interested in the game, so do not hesitate?