Warning before continuing to read this guide, it is rather reserved for players who have already tried the adventure. Indeed, it contains some révélations.
Survival rule # 1
From day one, you absolutely have to make your first torch. Besides, I advise you to always have some two over you ! They will save your life during your nocturnal wanderings, especially if you are far from your camp at sunset.
Survival rule # 2
Make an ax as quickly as possible and cut a few trees to get about twenty pieces of wood. Thus, you will be able to make your first campfire and spend a more serene night.
Survival rule # 3
Find the right wedge for your first base. The best is to place it in the plain (or forest), if possible near a herd of Beefalos and not far from rabbit burrows.
Survival rule # 4
Once your camp is installed, take care of collecting food (berries, carrots, seeds) and basic materials for the construction of your tools (twigs, herbs and flint) in sufficient quantities.
Survival rule # 5
We do not approach the creepy looking creatures and above all we do not attack them for the moment, even if you hear a strange noise: flee! We also do not approach swamps or other hostile terrain. Are you hesitating when you see something? Run away again!Survival rule # 6
Get down to one task at a time and above all do not burden yourself with unnecessary things, the inventory is not XXL size. It is best to write down on a sticky note what you need to pick up first.
Survival rule # 7
As soon as possible, make your first armor, it will absorb 80% of the damage.
Survival rule # 8
Create a pot for recipes, note that even with a simple campfire, you can already cook food. Cooked foods are more nutritious than raw foods. Never eat mushrooms or monster meat.
Survival rule # 9
Make 4 or 5 chests to store food (cooked) and basic necessities (especially to fuel fires).
Survival rule # 10
Build a scientific machine, it will make you a wooden armor!I have no doubt forgotten a few tips, but by applying these first rules you will probably avoid dying stupidly, and especially you prepare to spend a more cozy winter.
And you, what is your record for days of survival?