Binaries is a game available on Steam and developed by the independent studio Ant Workshop Ltd. It combines precision, strategy and reflex in the movement of objects controlled in parallel by the directional keys of the keyboard.
Basic principle
The basic principle of Binaries is to control an object and bring it from a starting point to an ending point. Where it stands out from games of the genre is that you simultaneously control two objects that progress either in separate spaces or in the same space. Each object is identified by its color and is immune to the dangers of the other color. Here are some pictures of the first level.

For this level it is not a problem to have two objects because the path of the two objects is the same. However, as you level up things will get a bit more complicated. The levels or the objects will be shifted, the obstacles on one side will not be present on the other. It will then be necessary to pay particular attention to what is happening everywhere on the screen, or start over in a loop to know the movements to be set up.
The progression is organized in the form of levels but you do not have to complete them all to advance in the following levels. You have the option of choosing the next level at certain junctions. Here is the level organization map.
Each circle indicates a level and the color does not seem to matter on the content or the difficulty of the level. In addition, you will notice in this image the percentage of progress displayed at the top left as well as the time goals and your best time at the top right.
Speaking of travel, the mechanics are very simple. The directional arrows allow you to move from left to right or to insist on a trajectory up or down. The space key (default) allows you to jump two objects. Among the few interesting additional mechanics are items reducing the time counted for the achievement of the objective and teleporters. Each of these objects is linked to its color, so the orange ball cannot use blue teleporters or vice versa.

Finally, this color separation would not really be of interest if there were no mechanics related to it. Apart from this separation in the use of objects, colors also serve to define the danger of obstacles. Spikes will be present on some maps and the collision between a marble and spikes of the same color will cause a game over. On the other hand, a marble can pass without danger on the peaks of another color.
Some additional cards