The Price of Freedom or Freedom Cry in its English version will make you relive the life of Adewale, Kenway's comrade in arms. The story will take place after the events told by Black Flag. But before going into details here is the trailer:
The pitch
At the start of the DLC, Adewale has just wrecked in Santo Domingo. He finds himself confronted with the most cruel slavery of the Antilles on present-day Haiti. To this ruthless cruelty, Adewale will oppose his own justice using against the slavers his weapons, his machete, his blunderbuss and especially his ship the Brick the Experto Crede.
We can already expect great havoc with such a weapon.
In his adventure, he will have to travel through the city of Port au Princes and the surrounding seas.
A new Creed, a new gameplay
Adewale basically doesn't have the same credo as Edward Kenway and doesn't meet the same aspirations. Not having completed Black Flag, I couldn't tell you more, but his credo and his attachment to assassins differ greatly. His past as a slave risks tugging him between his life as a pirate, a desire for revenge and the ideals of the assassins and their grand designs. The story takes place 15 years later, it is a mature man that we are going to be brought to play, more in the spirit of the Ezio of Brotherhood.
My opinion
No more naval battles, no more adventures, no more assassins with a little different gameplay, what more can I say. I am already filled by Black Flag for all these aspects and I will not therefore miss the opportunity to continue this beautiful story of piracy in Freedom Cry. After Assassin's Creed IV has of course some weaknesses but having joined from the start of this great adventure that Ubisoft offers us, its only flaw for me is only that it does not last long enough (yes 50 hours of play is still too little).
Personally, I can't wait to play Adewale even though I'll still take the time to finish my adventure with Edward (and I still have a lot to do) and you?