A few days before the official launch of Fallout 4, the "Fallout Pip-Boy" mobile application was published in the various stores of the 3 main mobile operating systems, namely Android, iOS and Windows Phone. In short, it's about being able to use the same Pip-Boy interface as in the game, but on your mobile!
To download it, you can find it under the name "Fallout Pip-Boy":
Once installed on your device, you will have to connect it to your game. To do this, you simply have to have your mobile connected to the same modem as your game device (PC, Xbox One or PS4), then launch the modem search by console type:

If you cannot connect to your game (not at home, not yet the game, etc.), you can put yourself in demo mode which will allow you to test the application, which in itself will not be of great use to you. thing. If you have connected to a game in the past, you will be able to connect to it in offline mode, this will display the latest information collected in that game.
Note that you can choose the type of screen display depending on whether you use your phone as such or whether you use it in the Pip-Boy offered in the collector's edition of the game (be careful, this one only compatible with a very limited number of phone models, mainly the latest Samsung Galaxy and iPhone).
As indicated at the top of the article, the app will give you the possibilities of the Pip-Boy in-game, namely your character's stats, inventory, data, map and radio (choosing a station will change it in-game. ).
- State.
- Inv.
- Data
- Loyalty card
- Radio

It's not just a visualization interface, you can really interact with your game! You can for example play while having the card open to watch where you are going, instead of changing screens each time, or you can change your weapon or outfit, or even consume items (stimpaks, etc.) !
Finally, you have a mini-game available via the button located in the upper right corner of the screen: Atomic Command ! This is a little game where you control a missile launcher and you have to protect buildings on the ground from enemy missiles by shooting them. Going through a "mini-game menu" before choosing Atomic Command, we can assume that the application will be updated in the future and will host other games.

Precise rules of the game
The game offers a system of waves which will be more and more difficult. Missiles will appear from the top of the screen and go to different monuments that are at the bottom of the screen.
You control a missile launcher which is at the bottom middle of the screen and you will have to destroy the missiles before they hit a monument which will then be destroyed. For this you need to press a point and the missile will be sent to it. Upon contact with an item, your missile will explode and deal area damage, destroying anything in that radius. Note that enemy missiles can sometimes split into several, so try to destroy them as soon as possible.
At the end of the wave, you earn points based on the number of missiles and monuments you have left. If your missile launcher is destroyed, you will no longer be able to launch a missile for the current wave and will not have point bonuses for your remaining missiles.
You will lose when there are no more monuments to defend.
And There you go ! You know everything there is to know! Personally, I find it quite incidental but still nice. The only really interesting feature is the card to use it while playing. However, if you have the Pip-Boy from the Collector's Edition, it's still a lot of fun to be able to use it like a real one!