WildStar is no different from all MMORPGs: leveling up. Here, you will have to go from level 1 to 50. Hang in there, it will be a fairly long stage and not without difficulties!
On the occasion of the release of this guide, I made a video guide of what is in this article (although less detailed). This guide has a slightly more elaborate format than my usual guides with a slightly Machinima side. It is on the other hand in English but spanish subtitles are as always available!
Optimize your character
First thing to ensure the fastest possible progression: to have an optimized character. This point will depend on how you want to level up. If you plan to do quests, the DPS (damage) specialization will be the most suitable, otherwise you can play the other specialization.
To find out what stats you need for your class, here is this table:
The main characteristics for each role are:
- Tank : Dodge, Deflection, Hit Points
- Healer : Support, Criticism
- DPS : Assault, Critical, Penetration
For your choices about skills and AMPs, you can find English-speaking builds at / r / WildStarBuilds.
WildStar has a crafting system that will allow you to collect items and / or build items. This feature is not an essential point while leveling up and you can easily do without it.
However, it may be advisable to still take 2 harvesting trades (between Miner, Survival and Relic Hunter) to harvest on your way and thus fill yourself with components to either sell everything and receive the jackpot, or start trades. manufacturing and have a very good base of components.
Quests to level up is probably the fastest and safest way. When performing instances (PvE as PvP), the rate of experience gain over time is variable depending on the group you are with: a dungeon will be completed faster with a good group, and you will have a better score if your PvP team rolls over the enemy.
When it comes to completing the quests, there isn't much to recommend other than trying to collect all the quests in your level on your way and complete them in order. Here are the areas with the main locations and their required level (Legend: Exiles, Dominion, both):
- Exiles
- Dominion
Levels 1 to 3: Vessel
If you don't skip the tutorial on the character creation page, you'll land on an exiled ship where you'll learn some basics of WildStar mechanics. You will only have to follow the quests to arrive when you need to leave for Nexus! At this time, you will have the choice between 2 starting zones, for more information, click here!
Levels 3 to 6: Astreclair or Septentrion

Levels 6 to 14: Celestion or Algoroc

Levels 14 to 22: Khamsin
Levels 22 to 30: Valblanc
Levels 28 to 36: Across the Horizon

Levels 34 to 42: Darkflower
Levels 40 to 46: Maltombe
Levels 44 to 50: Mornegeole Sud and Mornegeole Ouest

Levels 1 to 3: Vessel
If you don't skip the tutorial on the character creation page, you'll land on a Dominion ship where you'll learn some basics of WildStar mechanics. You will only have to follow the quests to arrive when you need to leave for Nexus! At this time, you will have the choice between 2 starting zones, for more information, click here!
Levels 3 to 6: Scarlet Island or Levian Bay

Levels 6 to 14: Déradune or Ellevar

Levels 14 to 22: Auroria
Levels 22 to 30: Valblanc
Levels 28 to 36: Across the Horizon

Levels 34 to 42: Darkflower
Levels 40 to 46: Maltombe
Levels 44 to 50: Mornegeole Sud and Mornegeole Ouest

Make PvE instances
WildStar PvE is really successful with various instances that offer their share of challenge, whatever its type. Thus, you will be able to do:
Mandates are short, single player PvE instances. They are now available in the Group Finder and will unlock when you reach the required level. They are fun to do and not very difficult, so you are advised to do them at least once each during your leveling.
List of mandates:
- Terror from Fragment Zero! (level 6)
- The captives of the M-13 outpost (level 12)
- Invasion from elsewhere! (level 17)
- Enraged logic strikes back! (level 26)
- Panic in space! (level 30)
- Disappearances in space! (level 31)
- Murders in orbit! (level 40)
Adventures are 5-player group instances that feature a story with choices to take that will influence its storyline. It offers medium difficulty.
List of adventures:
- The Sidereal Riot (Dominion, level 15)
- Highridge Insurrection (Exiles, level 15)
- Savage War (level 25)
- The Siege of Storm's Refuge (level 30)
- The Crime Barons of Valblanc (level 40)
- The Maltombe Trail (level 45)
If you like a challenge, then the dungeons are here for you! This is the most interesting PvE mode during leveling and will offer you a fairly high difficulty. With a good coordination of the group, this can be done without major worries and you will be rather profitable in terms of gain of experience. Try to find a guide who has experience in this area and can help you do them quickly!
List of dungeons:
- Protojeux Academy (level 10)
- Ruines de Kel Voreth (level 20)
- Ouragriff's Lair (level 20)
- Volcrâno Island (level 35)
The dungeons above are the ones you have for leveling up. Then add their level 50 veteran mode for each and the dungeons of the Sanctuary of the Valkyrie and the Ultimate Protojeux.
Note that the levels required for the various dungeons will be reviewed around free-to-play.
If you want to do PvP to level up, as of the time of this article, that's a pretty impossible thing due to the lack of people in the low-level PvP slots. In this case, you are therefore advised to do quests by registering for the Training Grounds.
Once WildStar is in free-to-play, PvP should be relaunched and you should be able to use this feature to level up.
List of training grounds:
- Walatiki Temple (level 6)
- Juresang Castle (level 15)
- Col de Rochedague (level 30)
And the training arena from level 14.
You just have to increase your levels! It will take a while, but you will arrive as a champion at level 50! Do you want to know what to do after level 50? It's this way !